Monday, September 26, 2005

Monday Morning Mix

Another week is upon us. I hope everyone had a terrific weekend. A mix of thoughts for this Monday Morning.......

Companies have to stop fucking with old people. Have any of you seen the new pill bottle introduced by Target a few months back?

A Deathtrap for any Grandparent Posted by Picasa

Old people can't even figure out how to open a simple, standard pill bottle, so Target decides to make it square, with a bigger label, with the top now becoming the bottom. By the time sweet ol' grandpa figures this out, he'll be in the morgue. I do have to congratulate Target for solving the Social Security crisis though. This should get quite a few folks off the Social Security payroll.

I know it's Monday and we are all tired...but what's with the people who say "Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee"? I'll make a deal with those people, I won't talk to you before your coffee if you won't talk to me after you've had your coffee. Also "non-morning people" must keep the fact that they are "not morning people" to themselves. By the time you stop and explain to everyone that you are not a morning person, it's too late, you've already annoyed us. We get it, you were up and ready to go at the crack of dawn today.....just like my dick.

Recently we have seen hurricanes devastate many areas of the country. Some people refuse to evacuate no matter what authorities tell them. I think it may have something to do with the hurricane names. Perhaps the names should be scarier to people. Hurricanes used to be named only after women, then it was considered sexist, so now they pick wimpy names like Phillipe......which is the least effective approach. How fast would the Carolinas evacuate if Hurricane "Ludacris" was headed their way?

Have a great start to the week everyone!!!


Jillian said...

Hell, I cant open the old pill bottles!!! I'd comment more but I have not had my coffee yet!!!!! LOL

supplymadam said...

The things you come uo with are just too funny. I hate non-morning people!

Anonymous said...

Hurricane Ludacris - that was funny!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... what about Hurricane Damien or Hurricane Lucifer? LOL. Get the hell out people!

Heather said...

How about, "Don't talk to me until I've had my Green Tea?" I feel jilted, Darling... Hating me just for that. ;)

Miss you too!

Charlie Mc said...

Billy, so basically grandpa is fucked huh? hahaha

Jill, go get that coffee!

Supplymadam, :) Happy Monday!!!!

Video, that's always the first thing awake for me! ;)

Afromabq!!!!! Missed you!!!

Kate, good to see you laughing on a Monday! :)

heather, i would NEVER jilt you!

ThatIsMeWhat said...

Hurricane Ludacris is an excellent and effective name for a hurricane. I'm kinda tired of old lady hurricanes anyway. Sounds like my grandma single-handedly attacked the gulf coast.

Hu Flung Pu said...

That pill bottle looks like a butt plug.

Miss_Vicki said...

I like the name "Hurricane Dick" myself. "DICK IS REALLY BIG AND IT'S COMING YOUR WAY!!!"

How the hell ya been? :p

Kristi said...

whats' this.....
dick talk?

forget the pill bottles!

Nobody said...

You know it's going to be a fun week when you have dick on the brain on a Monday Morning... ;-)

I agree, I am a WENCH until the green tea is absorbing, but let's face it.. I am a wench afterward also =)~chuckle~

Celina said...

I am SO not a morning person, but seeing as how it's almost noon, I'd like to make a comment: Crappy names for hurricanes suck! I think Lucifer would be good, but they shouldn't name them until after they hit--y'know, the name should be appropriate for the storm. And, thanks to "Rita" half of my beloved campus (& the 'other' trailer park in town) were trashed by a "circulation band" tornado yesterday!

Darcey said...

I get really tired of the people that look at me like I'm crazy for going to the gym at 6am. Its a personal choice, leave me alone about it! (And it also means that I don't have to waste time after work going to the gym - I can go straight to happy hour!)

Natsthename said...

But hey, grandma isn't the only one to use medicine! I like the color coded rings for different family members. What a good idea!

Fred said...

More information about your wake-up habits than I needed...

bob said...

And now the pharmacist is responsible for making sure the color-coded ring is correct, besides just checking the drug product, dosage, sig, amount, etc.? Let's make a high-stress job more stressful, shall we?

WordWhiz said...

Somehow, the tone of this post fit the tone of my Monday mood. Maybe I'm one of those non-morning people. I had no idea! I think it's only on Mondays. I'm reluctant to release my desperate grasp on the weekend!!

Panthergirl said...

Ah, sorry. Have to disagree about the pill bottle. I love the design, and I LOVE the idea of the colored bands. Do you know how many times, *before I've had my coffee* LOL, that I've almost taken my son's medication?

Anyway, I read a whole article in the NY Times about the new design (done by a student at the School of Visual Arts) and I think it's pretty brilliant. Don't know if it's any more difficult to open, but I wouldn't think so.

The coffee thing is worth a whole blog post from me... I was married to a fucking coffee have no idea.