Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Hurricane Katrina Tidbits

So, the head of FEMA was fired, I suppose the Bush administration needed a scapegoat. I guess Bush felt threatened by Michael Brown because his freezing like a deer in the headlights during this crisis made him look real presidential.

Mexico was one of many countries to help us out. The Mexican Army sent a convoy of food and water to the Gulf Coast region earlier in the week. You know things are really fucked up when Mexico is sending you drinking water.

"It's All Clinton's Fault" Posted by Picasa

Britney Spears, a Lousiana native, said she felt so bad about the hurricane and its devastation. She went on to say that any man who is now homeless and has no job, she's be more than glad to marry. Oh wait, she already has one of those.

During this whole mess, Chief Justice Rehnquist passed away. Bush stopped his tour to pay tribute to the man that GAVE him his FIRST REAL JOB, that would be President of the United States in 2000.

How about the greeting cards some of the politicians and corporations sent along to the victims this week:

Barbara Bush's read:
"Heard you were a little under the poverty level"
the inside of the card said "Get Welfare Soon!"

Former FEMA director Mike Brown's card read:
"I heard there was some kind of hurricane or something"
the inside of the card said "Sorry I missed your evacuation!"

Another Card read:
"Thinking of you in our time of greed"
the inside of the card said "HALLIBURTON"

Then Karl Rove sent a card that simply said
"I have a problem with leaks too"

Bush is going to try to save face and bore us Thursday Night during the new Primetime Television Season. Face it Bush, you fucked up! It just amazes me that this country spent 2 years and millions of dollars investigating a blowjob and everyone paid such close attention to it all, yet the economy blows, Bin Laden is still on the loose, you need a 2nd mortgage to fill your gas tank, we were lied to about a war that has resulted in almost 2,000 American deaths, a company formerly run by the VP is getting billions of dollars in no-bid contracts, throw in a botched hurricane rescue.....and nobody seems to give a shit. If there's ever been a time where impeachment is's now!


Danielle said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa! at the brittany spears comment!!

Molly said...

So glad that Britney decided to pitch in...and watch out Hallmark.

Purring said...

Quite amusing!

Jillian said...

You are so on the mark with this one. It is down right wrong what happened and how our government responded!!!!

supplymadam said...

Where's John Kerry when you need him?

Danielle said...

So funny... and so sad at the same time! I commend you.

Marie said...

Awesome post. As always, I like the humor you use to highlight your points made. ;) I personally would buy C-Mac greeting cards.

Anonymous said...

Did Britney really say that?? yeah Mr. Britney used to live in a small apt with 6 roommates, then he got the jackpot!!

Heather said...

Not feeling political enough to hang with this crowd today, but I at least wanted to stop by and say HI!!!

Marie said...

Anonymous - thinking that Democrats hold some sort of monopoly on "hate" seems ignorant and inaccurate to me. I don't think it's something that is restricted to one political party or another. Plus it's not like this country hasn't seen it's fair share of bias from our current Administration over the years.

Fred said...

Barbara Bush should committed.

Fred said...

insert ^be^ above

Panthergirl said...

Not just impeachment, prosecution.

Thankfully the numbers are reflecting the feelings of the nation. 38% still drinking the kool-aid, though.

erl said...

dude i never realize it before, but george bush is HOT!

Anonymous said...

From the neck down.