Tuesday, September 06, 2005

How old is your baby?

Welcome back from the long weekend. I hope everyone closed out their summer with fun times and great memories. I had a really nice weekend. It was a lot of fun.

I enjoy and appreciate children as much as I do animals. When I see people with animals or children, I always stop and show my interest in the pet or the child. I like to ask their name, how old they are, and a little bit about the pet or child. What really annoys me is when I ask a child's age and the parent responds with something like "27 months old". Twenty-Seven months? Why not just say 2 years old? Or a little over two years old? The child isn't a fuckin cheese that's "aged 27 months for maximum quality", it's a human and the last time I checked, there are 12 months in a year.

We are 2 years old, fuckos, not 24 months! Posted by Picasa

You also find douche nozzles that do this with days too. They will say "my mom left for vacation 15 days ago". Just say it was two weeks ago. Isn't that why we have days, weeks, months, years, decades, and centuries...so we don't have to add up large amounts of time, so we can just simplify it?

It was a fine 72 hour....I mean, 3 day weekend. Welcome back everyone.

Don't forget to "Top Blog" vote for me today! :)


Danielle said...

lol yea i dont know why they say oh she is 123234 months old lol lmao!!

Heather said...

Uh-oh, you must have run into some people with babies on the boardwalk this weekend...

Glad you enjoyed it though!

supplymadam said...

I'm 2444 weeks old. Man am I old!

josh williams said...

27 months? What is that in doggy months?

Bridget Unnel said...

Anyone who tells you their baby is 27 months old has at least that many photos of that kid somewhere on their person. You just know every fart has been caught on videotape and a q-tip swab of every puke saved to a baby book that is now at least four vol. large. Run from those people. QUICKLY!

Danielle said...

I think it starts when the baby is a fetus and age is counted in weeks or months. But I am someone who seriously cannot help but smile when passing puppies or babies(36 months and under).

Jenni said...

I'm 342 1/2 months old...hmmm...29 years sounds much much better.

Nicole said...

My piglet is 116 months and 15 days old (hehe)

:* Princess

True Jersey Girl said...

OK. My kid is 20 months old. And the reason I say that, and not 2 years old, is because she is BRILLIANT for her age and if I say she is 2 years old - her brilliance won't be counted for those 4 months. I know, its crazy. Just wait till you have a kid, C. Then you might get it.

Jillian said...

I have always thought it was stupid also. I had a super weekend! Hope you do too!!

Natsthename said...

I guess I should check back for the next post in 24 hours!

JRae said...

Hehehe, I always hated that too!! Us non-parents can't translate months into years as easily as you parental types! Stop it! :)

Hey C-mac, any dirt on madman's blog disappearing and who outed him? I heard someone on TopBlogs got jealous of his ranking and published his name, number, and address and all that. How petty! And then he got fired... NOT COOL!! :(

I want to find out who outed them and make their life a living hell.

Well... not really. I'm not mean-spirited enough to keep that up. Maybe just send them a nasty e-mail. ;)

Fred said...

C-Mac - for once I want to take the other side. When you have children, there's a HUGE difference in the development of a child, and it's based on months.

For us, years are no big deal. For tykes, the months are more important. For instance, babies might be crawling at 10 months, but walking at 11 months. So, parents will tend to give you the age in months early on, and then shift to years later on when things are not changing month-by-month.

Sorry to spoil the party...

Kristi said...

age, numbers, numbers, age!!!!

I am currently anti numbers. I'll get over it shortly

its nice to have you back Charlie!!

Panthergirl said...

I know this seems petty, but it drives me NUTS when people say "30 minutes" instead of a half hour!