I thought I would start off the week with a scenario, a funny one and get all of your feedback on what you would do. Say you are having really amazing sex with your significant other. For men reading this, assume you are on top, for the women reading this assume you are on top. You are going at it really good and it's feeling amazing. Suddenly, without your partner knowing, your dog enters the room and he is behind you sniffing around by your butt. Do you continue on with the sex, or do you stop?

Bruce says, keep going!

I would have to keep going unless he starting licking or doing something other than just being curious. What would you do?
Remember, today is Monday...voting day on the "TOP BLOG" icon to the left! Thanks and have a great Monday!
omg, no you didn't. I would stop and get that damn dog out of there!!! your a mess today, it's great!
Did you see "40 year old virgin"? Your post reminds me of a line from the movie... It cracks me up!
haven't seen the film yet...but I have to!
i would tell my pooch to sit, be quiet, and watch how big daddy gets it done
Ummm I don;t have pets..so don;t have that problem. I like spooning so I think the little birds come to the bedroom window to watch!
My dog is jealous of his daddy.He just misses his balls.
Bruce is so cute and Bella is so nosey! (smiling)
LOL! I don't think I could keep going...knowing that I was being checked out and watched by a furry friend.
LMAO! Yeah, you need to loose the dog!
I'd have to stop...but only because I'd be laughing too hard to continue.
Oh Lord. Only a guy would ask this question. LOL. I'd keep going unless the dog got in the way. Obviouly then I'd stop, get him out, and then go back to my business. But damn Charlie. You should close the door when you've got a dog around. LOL.
Ok if the dog walks in, but if it's a kid, forget it; the mood is suddenly broken!
Ohhhh, too funny! I have 2 dogs, however they're like my kids. I could never let them watch, let alone stick their nose where it doesn't belong. ;)
I'm a fan of shooing the dog away with your hand while saying, "Rex, get down!" or whatever. It's just a dog-- I don't think you need to stop and physically lead it out of the room or anything. Just get it out of your business. :)
Of course, if the dog resists these methods, I guess you have to take more extreme ones... but then your dog is a perv. :)
Keep it going! Throw the dog out quickly, then continue as if nothing happened.
We've had to practice that drill a few times already...
I've never had that happen but I'd think I'd have to stop and send the dog outta the room --- although I am a voyeur so maybe if I had a dog I'd think he/she was a voyeur too and then maybe I'll let it watch....maybe.... haha
You never stop when you or the girl is having an orgasm. I say go and everything else is collateral damage.
I actually had this happen. My 8 month old puppy jumped on the bed and licked my boyfriend (now husband) on his unmentionables. It definitely spoiled the moment. But I laughed so hard I almost fell off the bed. Anyhow we went out that day and bought a kiddie gate to keep the hounds out of the bedroom.
By the way, great blog.
Sorry I have been a stranger...
I don't think I could continue... I have enough trouble getting my head out of the game to get to the goal without having the pup around sniffing or snoring. But, thankfully, the MiltMan can't even get up on the bed without assistance. That's the great thing about a small dog and a tall bed!
Okay, so I'm a little late with this - forgive me. I'll tell you what happened when this happend to TheMan and I. At first, we just kept saying "go lay down" but then I started to giggle because there is nothing better than awesome sex and laughter. Anyway, the dog just stood there. Staring, moving her head left to right. I just kept giggling and TheMan kept saying "Daisy, go lay down". Well, we were almost "there" and the dog touched his ass with her cold nose, sending TheMan lurching forward, off me, onto the bed and as we layed there looking at her, she was the only one satisfied in the room and finally went and layed down.
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