Sunday, September 18, 2005

"Home" Diva

Martha Stewart's house arrest recently came to an end. I often wondered why they made her wear that stupid ankle monitoring device. I mean really, where the fuck was she going to go? She had a convoy of news vans in her driveway, choppers flying over her home 24/7, and the paparazzi with telephoto lenses hanging from trees and street signs. I don't think she'd get too far.

C'mon, where is she gonna go????? Posted by Picasa

Plus, what sense did it make exiling a "home" diva to her home? That would be like banishing Roseann Barr to a Dunkin' Donuts.


Kristi said...


I'd like Martha to have house arrest in my home. It could use a serious make-over!

Hey how's Bruce?

Marie said...

LOL!! How true that is. :)

Angel! said...

Didn't she do "time" because of some frauds?

Like... frauds she could have easily kept on doing from her home, even with that fuckin' ankle monitoring shit?

I say put such silly devices on dangerous people: Michael Jackson, OJ Simpson, etc.

supplymadam said...

What a country we live in. Let's monitor the real criminals. You know the ones that are actually dangerous. GEEEEZ!

Heather said...

I was looking at this picture and saw the pitiful looking red sticks coming up out of the ground and wondering if that was the fence they were trying to keep her contained in...

Sorry, it's Monday. I'm not fully functional until tomorrow.