There is a reality show called SUPERNANNY which places an old school, discipline wielding nanny into families that can't figure out why they are having nervous breakdowns. Families where the parents kindly ask the kids to stop throwing rocks at them. What's going on in America?
Moms and Dads remind me of the Democratic Party these days, lame, spineless, and not holding up their end of the bargain. The kids are like the Republicans, drunk with power and out of control. Not a good household mix.

No pills needed, just a kick in the ass.....

There are actually parent coaching support services for parents who are clueless as to what to do when their 3 year old goes buck wild. Typical questions asked of these "coaches" are "What should we do when junior won't do his chores?" or "Should there be limits on how he spends his allowance?" or "Should I give junior dessert if he does not eat his dinner?"
Now some of you might be saying, "But Charlie, you don't have kids, how can you judge?" I say true, but I have one thing these parents don't, a brain. This is not science. What should you do when Junior won't do his chores you ask? How about using your size advantage, make him!
There's one thing we all know about kids, give them an know, they take a foot. Like Michael Jackson, parents these days act like they are on a date with their children, trying to impress them, trying to buy their love, never contradicting them or giving them the BIG RED X when they are wrong.
So no, I don't have kids, and you know what? I don't plan on having any until people start making some I'd want my kids to play with. Until then, I'll just be glad I bought that Ritalyn stock a few years back.
I think too many parents are trying to make their children happy at all costs now a days. These parents need to get a pair of balls and tell their cranky, whiny children to shut the f up once and a while.
just my humble opinion
I dont have kids either. You kow that show THE NANNY? i dont know why but that chic gets on my nerves, i just want to bitchslap her lol.
P.S. I am all for the RED X
I agree with you on that point. See anyone can pop out a kid but the real challenge is afterward. I was in the grocery store the other day and this little girl(maybe 4) was talking to her mother like the mother was the child. She says to the mom "I need you to put this back up there for me" She had something in her hand. Now the 4 year olds are grocery shopping and the mothers are helping? What ever happened to good old
fashioned "please"?
Good grief.
Charlie, I completely agree with you here. Especially about the part about not having children until someone makes some worth playing with.
My mother was pretty unconventional as to how she did things, but in the end, she tells me every day how lucky she is that I didn't turn out a fuck up... Not that I have a bloated head or anything, but honestly, I never did anything to disrespect or disgrace my parents. I lived by the--you brought me in this world, you can take me out--philosophy. But, they were always honest with me, they always loved me and in the end, that made me a happy, productive member of society!
(Wow, sorry for rambling. This subject gets me riled up.)
I think parents need to start disciplining at a young age. What happened to a good old fashioned spanking? Why must everything be called child abuse now. I was spanked and I didn't grow up to be a serial killer. Seriously, I think kids need to have a healthy dose of fear and respect for their parents or they're going to go buck wild.
If I were single I would ask you to marry me. Was that outloud?
I totally agree...I hate when I see parents in the store "Do you want this cereal or this you want this shirt? Do you like it? Which crayons do you want? You don't want this?" And the kid is like 3 yrs old. Give me a break! You'll get what I give you and you'll like it!
I once told a woman in a grocery store w/an out of control kid to buy a book called "Dare to Discipline." She didn't care for my suggestion but I told her to buy it anyway 'cause YOUR KID IS OUT OF CONTROL!!! GEEZ, people, if you can't spank them, at least get them out of a public venue and do your stupid time out thing. (ok, i'll quit now)
Where were you people last week when I posted on spanking??
How to spot a troubled kid? Hmm... look for the one that turns to Britney Spears and says "Mommy.."
Oh and to Video X's comment about potty training? My EIGHT YEAR OLD NEPHEW still wears a pull-up to bed because his mother diesn't want to "rush him before his own schedule". Un-huh. And because nephew doesn't know that there's anything "unusual" about his nighttime pamper, he probably doesn't know not to say anything to the other kids, which means it's just a matter of time before they find out and he gets labelled with some merciless nickname...
either that Bridget or when he pisses on his first girlfriend....hahaha
Two words: Cattleprod and Buggywhip...Nuff said.
I am a parent, and I agree. I haven't seen that Nanny show, but I've heard about it. I can't believe what they're doing in school these days. How can kids learn when there's no right or wrong answers. Everything is subjective and it's all about the self-esteem. It's crazy!! And heaven forbid you slap that kid who mouths off or hurls a curse at an elder. You could and probably will get arrested, or visited by Child and Family Services.
I whole-heartedly agree in disciplining kids from a young age. I got the soap if I cussed (after being warned of course), and if my hide didn't get up and pick up my toys when I was done playing with them, I got it tanned (again, with fair warning). I grew up to respect my parents, and despite a few bumps in the road, and my own stubborn streak, everything is a-okay.
If your child can't behave properly in public, don't bring them into it!
I can let you borrow my kids for a few days...LOL. Sometimes my kids are monsters, but I know they are more respectful outside of the home! But a swift spank on the ass or a big red X is something that I think they need too! I also think parents need to stop coddling children! The paddle in school? I got whapped by it before and I've survived and grew up to be pretty decent (or so I think!) Children learn by discipline. I mean nobody is saying beat your kid to a pulp, but come on!
Amen to this!! I cannot stand to see the kind of parenting that is fashionable right now, but is actually doing everyone a complete disservice. If you are a parent, PARENT. The kid doesn't call the shots. YOU do. What kind of adults are these kids going to become? How are they going to survive in the world if they're coddled and protected to SUCH an extent? My parents were fair yet strict disciplinarians. They would NEVER allow us to take charge and act like wild animals.
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