Pretty Accurate, huh?

Bill O'Reilly (who I hate) on Fox News Channel is suggesting a Sunday boycott of ALL gas stations. It's a good idea, but I don't think it will do the trick. People will stock up the day before or day after Sunday and the oil companies won't lose anything. DarianJ and I discussed boycotting the two largest oil companies. If everyone was to boycott the two largest, their supplies would skyrocket and they would have to lower prices which would drive the market down. Does anyone have a better idea? I say we come up with a plan and spread the word, enough is enough!!!
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I posted the same picture on my blog a few weeks ago but now it is sooo true!
Gas prices truly suck.
I work a 40 min. highway drive away!
Too Much!
Snopes already discounted the "boycott Exxon and Mobil" theory.
The ONLY thing that is going to help, in the long run, is for people to USE LESS GAS. Buy smaller vehicles or hybrids, drive less, car pool.
Unfortunately, most people in this country are unwilling to make the sacrifices that WILL make a difference.
I agree with Panthergirl and Billy.
Try to drive less and carpool. I am so glad I have a 4 cylinder as does my husband.
I live in NY and we have the 2nd highest gas prices in the country next to California. California has the highest gas prices thanks to enviromental groups. I know they mean well but if they get their way we will all be paying 5.00 a gallon and the cost of doing business in this country would be almost impossible.
I'm a real estate agent: Anyone wants to carpool with me?!...!
Here in Québec, they told us to buy for about 5cents of gas on sunday and put it on our debit or credit cards (store owners pay a small amount of $ each time their customers use their debit/credit car's machines...!) and also use all of their equipment to piss them off (check out your oil/use their scott towels, wash your windows, etc.).
But do that to gas stations own by the companies themselves and not individual owners.
...get a metro card?
I personally think the solution is to move to Venezuela where gas is something like 12 cents a gallon on average, I can handle that!
I like that image! That's almost how much it costs to fill my truck up... almost $75... they should have updateable gas guages that only list it in $...
Someone needs to invent an alternative fuel, put it in cars, then watch the big oil companies crumble. Use capitalism to fight the big boys - it's what works best.
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