I wish those Classmates.com pop-up ads would stop. There's a reason you don't talk to people after high school, it's because you hate them. Besides, I already know what the captain of the football team is up to these days, he's mowing my lawn.
What's up with the supermarket these days? I am not the fuckin' cashier! By the time I look up from sliding my card, entering my PIN, pressing enter, verifying the amount, deciding whether or not I want cash back, and hitting enter again, the person who is supposed to be ringing me up is eating my kit-kat and reading my magazine. Paper.....Plastic? I don't have time to decide, I've just been called to aisle 5 for a cleanup!

"Everybody Loves Lance"

A few weeks after winning the Tour De France, Lance Armstrong has been on the talk show curcuit. So many people claim to be Lance fans and "fans" of cycling. Cheering for Lance Armstrong does not make you an international cycling "aficionando". Unless you can name one other rider in the Tour De France in the last 100 years, you are not a fan. You are just someone who likes when America beats foreigners.......

Loved purely for her tennis skills......Maria Sharapova

.....you are also not a tennis expert/enthusiast if you like watching Russian teenagers bounce all over the court......you are a perv.
And finally, dead people can't give advice. Dear Abby has been dead for years, yet the "Dear Abby" column continues. If I want to hear what a corpse thinks, I'll listen to a Dick Cheney speech.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
I'm loving the random commentary you posted today. You have a great weekend as well! :)
Haaaaaa!! your a mess!!! Loved the cashier story, hell why does it take a half hour, i could pull up a chair and drink a 40 by the time i am rung up.
That was great!
This is why I am so fond of self-check out in stores now. I like people and everything, but the service is a nightmare! I'd rather not deal with the 15 year old pimple face who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground and check myself out!!!
I'm digging the self-checkout at the local A&P. Screw ShopRite's though -- it's way too sensitive. It wants you to ring up every single item. Who has time or maoney for that???? ;)
I love your sense of humor Charlie. It's always appreciated on a Friday. :)
Mmmmm....Kit Kat.
Dick Cheney=corpse. Ha!
Have a great weekend, Charlie!
That was hysterical about the cashier eating while you check out!
Did you see that traffic in Houston with the people trying to evacuate? What a nightmare.
What a great way to start out my Friday, here at the beach. You crack me up.
Great Post! I understand the whole check out thing. And why don't they make those machines universal? It would make things much easier.
P.S. I think I'm the only individual left that has not jumped on the Armstrong bandwagon.
My last experience with a high school friend was brutal. She called out of the blue and wanted to take me out to lunch for my birthday. We hadn't seen each other for almost 15 years. When I got to the restaurant she brought out a whole 'memory box' of photos of me, etc. She confessed that she was in love with me. Uh, I'm married. It was scary.
And now they have those "self" checkout lanes at the store..WTF??!? I like it when you do it much better!!!
Have a good weekend too!
Yeah, who uses those classmates.com sites? Really, if I wanted to keep in touch with these people I would have done so already.
One bonus at the supermarkets here is they will load and unload your cart of purchases into your car for you. While I think this is good for the old folks, I hate when people offer to do it for me. Uh...hello do I look like I can't lift a 10lb bag into my car?! Jeez
the dick cheney comment was classic. incidentally, the captain of my HS football team is the guy running my HS class's classmate.com mailing list. no kidding.
man i'm loving all the maria-serena matches lately. I love women's tennis for the tennis -- but now i have another reason to watch. :-)
I hate those self check outs. They never work
Great random thoughts. I'm laughing all the way into the weekend...
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