Larry David is the co-creator of Seinfeld, a show EVERYONE has heard of and seen. I mean, it's syndicated on just about every cable network for an hour or more every night. And there is no denying how incredible and standard setting that show was. Anyway, with the death of Seinfeld a few years back, a corpse that just wont stay cold due to said syndication and avid fans around the globe (it's kinda sad when old episodes of shows get more ratings than NEW sitcoms...just goes to show the amount of crap out there...cough,cough, UPN/WB) where does a Seinfeldian turn to for his next fix? Is even an alternative available...besides the vastly inferior and overrated Friends reruns?

Pure Genius.......

Yes...yes there is. And that show is called Curb Your Enthusiasm. And this is the brainchild of Larry David, Seinfeld creator. And boy does it show. It is pure comedic genius.
It must be pretty good if it's already finished 4 complete seasons and running only on HBO. I've seen shows go for many seasons on CBS and other networks that sucked donkey dick, however...but that is not the case with Curb Your Enthusiasm. It is still going because, well, it's excellent.
Think of this show as Seinfeld for the HBO/adult audience. That's not to say it's overly lewd, but it does benefit from the lack of conservative censors. Larry David, who was the voice of Steinbrenner and also played the role of the Caped Lawyer in Seinfeld, stars here as himself and is the main protagonist. Basically the show is once again about nothing, though each season does have a different, flimsy plot it follows. George Costanza was created by Larry David to be a representation of himself...and their similarities are obvious as you watch the show. Larry is a pessimistic, cynical man much like George, and is always getting into trouble of some sort. Most of the "trouble" is stuff that would make you cringe...Larry does stuff that is just ridiculous and hilarious to watch. From having his penis bitten by a German Shepard, getting caught examining his rash in a bathroom, having a pubic hair get trapped in this throat, or lying about being molested by his uncle in an Incest Survivor meeting...this is pure, unadulterated hilarity. The very first episode of the first season had me laughing my ass off, and that was when I knew i was hooked. As a huge fan of George from Seinfeld, I found ALOT to like in this show.
So, if you are still sobbing over the loss of Seinfeld so many years yourself a favor and see Curb Your Enthusiasm. Seinfeld may be over, but this is easily the next best thing. Think of it as what Seinfeld would have been if it had been put on HBO with cussing and more descriptive adult situations and had the live audience laughs taken right out. Don't worry about the audience laughter'll still know when to laugh on cue. You won't be able to help yourself anyway.Season 5 is set to start on September 25th at 10pm on HBO. The first 4 seasons are available on DVD or reruns on HBO. If you are in need of a side splitting laugh, this is the show for you. I can't get enough.
Oh, I am SO in need of new episodes! This is the most biting and hilarious comedy on television these days!
It's genius...he can be such an idiot in this show, and it's the best. Good post!
I don't get HBO but have seen some of the previous seasons on DVD and they are hysterically funny. Definitely worth watching and laughing at!
kramer was the best when he would SLIDE thru the front door! lmao!!
I loooove "Curb". It's so moronic it's funny.
Ya know, I haven't watched it regularly, but the ones I've seen are frickin hilarious. The public hair one had me rolling, I loved it!!
Sometimes I sit on the curb and wait
I love Seinfeld. I have watched every single episode a million times over. I actually peed my pants laughing so hard during the "Son of Sam" episode.
For some reason, even though I've never watched an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, the show gets on my nerves. LOL. I don't know why. But I don't get HBO so I couldn't watch it even if I wanted to.
It is funny. I've caught it a couple of times, in hotel rooms while traveling. I don't have HBO at home.
I really need to get TiVo so I can start watching this stuff. By the time I realize that it's on, it's halfway over with and I'm all about starting at the beginning...
PS-Hey Charlie!
I have tried to rent the first season a couple of times as I don't have cable, and it's always out! I'm going to try again tonight! I can't wait.
BTW, sorry I haven't been around much lately. To much going on!
Thanks Charlie
Couldn't agree more. I don't get HBO so I've been netflixing the seasons. So awesome.
Curb your Enthusiasm is a must watch in this household! Very funny stuff!!!
OMG... I TiVO it every night and have watched each episode about a billion times. I was just thinking today about how it has really helped me NOT miss Seinfeld so much (especially because I didn't like the last few seasons when it got SO ridiculous, and away from the 'show about nothing' theme.)
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