No more cell phones in movie theaters!!!!!! You are not a cardiologist on call, you are a fuckin' moron whose babysitter is calling to ask you where the ketchup is. Being that you are an asshole, you talk, in great detail, to your babysitter at the top of your lungs in the theater about the ketchup. Simple solution, put your phone on vibrate then shove it in your ass.

Enough is Enough

Do we need cell phones that play video games? I just need mine to make a phone call. Why is it that these phone video game assholes can make it to level 4 of Tomb Raider with no problem but to have a basic conversation they need to climb a hilltop and wrap their balls in tinfoil? Me, I need the basics, something that rings at inappropriate moments, interferes with airplane safety, and one that gives me a brain tumor. I don't ask a lot.
I recently saw an article that claimed 15% of Americans have answered their cell phone during sex. This is not only rude, but it's dangerous because it interferes with your driving. (haha) When a woman is screaming "I'm cumming" the last thing she wants to hear you say is, "You're breaking up, I can't hear you".
When you call and get my voice mail, don't say "it's me"...there's only one me in my Frankly, if we were that close, I would have given you the number of a phone that I actually answer.
lmao! That was just too funny,I love it because we can all relate to it. A cell phone of course is a must, but damn people put a cork in it!
What I want to know is who in the hell is answering their cell phone during sex?
I can't stand the movie theatre thing either...or while people are eating. I say this, however, I know there will be a moment this week that I am sitting at a bar on my cell phone, but I will be dining alone and there will be no one around me. I suppose it just depends on the person...
LMAO. You are too, too funny Charlie. You're also damn right about this cell phone crap. I have to admit that I can't live without mine, but I have never brought it into a movie theater with me. I leave it in the car. Also I hate people who answer their phones at the doctor's office or in the grocery store. It drives me nuts. But seriously, what moron is answering a call during sex? People like that shouldn't be allowed to have sex! LOL.
I'm always secretly happy when I forget my cell phone, although I feel naked without least I don't have to worry who's calling me.
Cell phones should not even be in the room while things are romantic...for numerous reasons.
I'm always secretly happy when I forget my cell phone, although I feel naked without least I don't have to worry who's calling me.
Cell phones should not even be in the room while things are romantic...for numerous reasons.
Have you noticed that drivers have exchanged cigarettes for cell phones? Before smoking became very un-p.c., the first thing a driver did after entering the car was to light up; now they have to make a
VERY IMPORTANT call."Ohmygod, you should see the cute top I just bought at the Gap."
nighthawk, don't come on here and cry to us that your boyfriend beats you up.....he told you to stay away from those gay bars
NightHawk44 - Keep it up and I'm going to smack you up and down your ugly face.
BTW - I only use the phone during sex if I need directions :)
I couldn't agree more on the cell phone issue, especially at the movie theatres. I don't get why anyone in his/her right mind would answer during sex.
I can't stand phones with crazy rings going off and people talking loud in theaters, restaurants, or on buses. I also think at work it would be nice if everyone would put their cells on vibrate, the different rings are distracting and so annoying!
You speak for the masses! I'll vote for you for president if you run...
As always, dear, we are of the same mind. I think I would have to seriously maim someone if they answered a cell phone during sex. (I personally have thrown a pillow at the offending phone to get it to shut up... thank goodness it turned the phone off and not answered the call, THAT would be embarrassing!)
I think all of the bells and whistles they are putting in phones now are just to divert our attention from the fact that phone service is $$ and can be quite SHITTY, depending on your location.
Thanks for the post! I can't stand the people who get away with talking on their cell phones in the car and drive erratic! Even hands-free people! If you can't do two things at one time, then you shouldn't be able to own a cell phone.
That was to freaking funny!!!!!
It's all about money, Charlie. People are willing to buy all this crap, so the cell phone companies are all too happy to take the money from fools.
Oh, my gosh you had me crackin' up so hard I had tears! I'm ready to chuck my cell phone at the wall and go back to the days where if I'm home and you reach me good, if not, bummer! It is good technology, but has this society grown dumb and rude with all our fancy gadgets? Come on people, do you not have any common sense? Thats why I wait to rent movies. I have surround and my own popcorn maker, and no rude people other than the ones in my house (kids, lol!) what more could I ask for??? Have a great night Cmac!
ya know, i was going to post about this same topic. i like several million people, enjoy having a cellphone. but i also don't have it with me 24/7. seriously. what is so important that you have to take a call during sex, at the library, IN A RESTAURANT! i don't want to talk while i'm breathin heavy, or while i'm browsing for books, or while i'm eating. i don't answer the phone at home when i'm in those two situations. no one is that important. what did we all do before the cell phone? we didn't GET the phone because we weren't HOME. my god i was in a red lobster, enjoying their delicious rolls, and the woman in front of me, her cell phone goes off at the highest decible setting i swear. now this woman is yackin away like nothin is happenin (kinda like those damn car alarms no one pays attention to). so her friend is like *DORIS (or whatever) IS THAT YOUR CELL PHONE?* the poor old lady can't hear a damn thing. i'm sorry, unless you are someone like a cop or doctor or whatever that NEEDS to be contacted, leave the phone on vibrate or silent or at home. people have just found another reason to more rude to others.....
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