Saturday, October 01, 2005

I HEAR Dead People.....

If you stumble across a "new" song from anyone dead, it sucks.

The songs keep on coming........ Posted by Picasa

If Tupac, Elvis, or even Kurt Cobain thought they had a hit, they would have released it back when it could have helped them get laid or even blown. These "new" songs from dead people must stop!!!


True Jersey Girl said...

With all the new music Tupac has come out with lately, I am beginning to believe the rumors that he's not really dead. Maybe Elvis too!


Fred said...

The music is from the ex-whatevers trying to make a buck. Sadly, people will buy this crap.

Panthergirl said...

You beat me to it, Charlie. I heard that a "lost" novel by Truman Capote is being resurrected and published. I thought, "How awful. He clearly was not happy with it or would have had it published himself." I really think this practice is just WRONG for the artist and I wish they'd cut it out.

OH, AND WHILE I'M AT IT...... GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot WAIT to start reminiscing about the "Fluke of '04" !!!!!!

supplymadam said...

I want to hear a new album from Jim Morrison.

Steph said...

SO true!!! They always suck!

Hey Charlie, by the way...did you call Bruce for his birthday? It was last Friday, same as mine, and don't worry, I told him you said Happy Birthday!
(Yes, I'm that much of a dork that thinks just because I have the same birthday as Bruce Springsteen, that means we're friends! :)

Natsthename said...

That is the RIGHT CALL!

I know I'm outnumbered here and I don't care, but GO RED SOX!!!

Anonymous said...

With a six-pack like that, he can come back from the dead and sing to me anytime!