Wednesday, October 19, 2005


We don't need a "Fox News Alert" every time something blows up in Iraq. It's a war, the "news alert" should take place when stuff STOPS blowing up. Until then, we'll just assume Baghdad is like Lindsay Lohan, getting bombed daily.

We Get The Idea...... Posted by Picasa

Using the phrase "He's baaaaaaaack" is over. He's baaaaaaack, she's baaaaaaack, it's more!!!! To all the people that write these mini headlines for cable news, come up with something original!

News channels also have to stop saying "We go beyond the headlines." That's your job asshole! You don't see American Airlines saying "We land our jets on the runway."

Have a great Wednesday!


Heather said...

McDonalds - We make you fatter!

Hey Charlie!

Bridget Unnel said...

For the record, I prefer NOT to start the day with Lindsay Lohan on the brain. Thank you for your cooperation. ;)

Anonymous said...

Are you experiencing news overload this a.m. Charlie?

Hu Flung Pu said...

You think lindsay's a true red head???????

supplymadam said...

Nice to see you're watching Fox. They use the phrase"Fox News Alert" CNN uses the phrase "Breaking News" (same difference).
With 95% national newspapers and 5 major news networks it's amazing that people would be threatened by one news channel(who by the way has the highest ratings than all the other news networks combined) There must be a reason.
Okay then,back to work.

Jenni said...

I agree. That's the whole problem with these 24 hour news stations, they have TWENTY-FOUR hours of news to report, and then they pick the living daylights out of each and every story until it's completely dead and beyond ressurection.

Becky said...

Preach it brother.

supplymadam said...

What are some examples of how Fox is unfair and unbalanced?

CiaFai said...

Ditto, that's why I don't watch nor read the news, it's all the same evil shit that is going on.

No one is creative anymore and they are getting paid big bucks to be brainless. I just don't get it!!!!

When the heck are we doing lunch??

Miss_Vicki said...

Like Lindsay Lohan...

Natsthename said...

I know, eh? Every time they say, "He/She's BAAAACK" I want to scream, "I GET IT, I saw the same movie 20 years ago!!"