I see the AIDS prevention ads on TV all the time, which is all well and good, except AIDS doesn't even place in the top 15 of the things that kill Americans, but what kills most is what they advertise the most, food and drink. Twice as many people in America die from liver disease than from AIDS. Where's the ad telling us to pull a rubber over our Bud Light Bottles?

Eat 'Till You Die!

Four times as many people in America die from diabetes than they do from AIDS and 47 times as many from heart disease. We are fooling ourselves if we don't think that the contents of our food is what's causing this. The nutritional guide at KFC must read "you are kidding right?" You have guys eating entire tubs of guacamole and then announcing that "it's good fat." No, good fat is J-Lo's ass, not a tub of guacamole.
Maybe McDonalds thinks their food prevents AIDS because it makes you so fat nobody will want to fuck you. You can't even sell sex anymore without making it sound like food, wonder where "booty-licious" came from?
On top of it all, we have to endure Levitra, Viagra, and Cialis ads too. No, these aren't three black chicks I know, they are erectile dysfunction pills. Let's face it, what every woman in America wants on football Sunday is a gassy, flabby, face-painted drunk coming after her with a raging hard on. Enough is enough!
Dude, that was a really funny post. Unfortunantly I think you just described the spitting image of me on a Sunday afternoon.
You could be a remote warrior like myself and your entire life's purpose is to never see a commercial... I know nothing of any commercials... ;)
"No, these aren't three black chicks I know..." LOL!!!
Perfect solution? Don't watch football. Works for me!
Erectile dysfunction...that still cracks me up!!! I say bring on the raging hard on!!!
I'm with Heather, I just flip back and forth between 2 or 3 games and avoid all commercials. Unless it's the Super Bowl, of course.
Funny blog. Especially the part where you say "The nutritional guide at KFC must read 'you are kidding right?'". Have you seen the new commercial for KFC where there's an older guy that goes up to these young guys and said "When I was young there wasn't a KFC, we called it Kentucky Fried Chicken"-as if that makes the food that much better!
While watching the Super Bowl last year, I had to endure one of those commercials for ED that stated "If you have an erection for longer than four hours, see a doctor..."
Since my three daughters were also watching, I just stared straight ahead, and hoped the ugly moment would soon pass.
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