Thursday, October 13, 2005

A Job for Life

Just because someone has a job for life, does not mean they should do it for life. It's well and proper that we honor our elders, but enough is enough. "To every thing, there is a season, turn, turn, turn." A time to pack it in, put on a housecoat, and fall asleep watching the "Golden Girls" reruns.

I know it must be difficult to give up your job when it involves sitting on a "throne" on the "Supreme" Court, or being the Pope and keeping women out of the priesthood to make room for male priests that molest, but at some point it makes these people feel like they are indispensable, which nobody is.

Retire, Fuckos..... Posted by Picasa

I don't want to say Pope John Paul II was out of it the last couple of years he was alive, but I could have sworn I heard him saying two Our Fathers and three "Proud Marys" there for a while.

Then there is Queen Elizabeth, come on, 50 years in power, your son Prince Charles' mistress is already a senior citizen, let him be king already! The only thing that ran longer than her run on the throne was "Cats" here on Broadway, and even that finally ended.

I don't understand America. We work until we have strokes, then after we die, our money and estates are fought over, then we rot in the ground and are eaten by worms....

You know who knew how to live? Titans of their industry, Ray Kroc from McDonald's, Colonel Sanders from KFC, and Dave Thomas of Wendy's. None of them spent their "golden years" chained to a desk. They all died from eating their own food.

Names like Johnny Carson and Joe DiMaggio come to my mind. These guys went out on top, when it was time. That made them more beloved than they would have been, people did not have a chance to get sick of them. They didn't make us do that pretend yawn to get them to leave the party. They looked around and said "I've done my part, I've spoken my peace, and now I am old and deaf enough to be able to go home and be with my wife all day long."


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Vixen said...

Ah heck give the pope a break..he knew hearing 3 Proud Mary's would be more fun and I am sure he was a closet Tina Turner fan! ;)

I agree with you though, these rich influential people should pack it in by 70! Unless your a great musician (Tony Bennett, BB King, The Stones etc..)

Anonymous said...

Leave 'em wanting more!

I have to admit, though... I'll probably be playing my violin and shaking my groovething as long as people will come out and see me. It's probably a really good thing I was never made a pope or anything! I just wouldn't know when to quit! lol

Darcey said...

Its funny that you choose the Supreme Court photo. While I was in DC, I saw the Capitol Steps (a politcal comedy troupe) and they did a version of "Stayin' Alive" with the 3 liberal Justices. Hilarious.

Hu Flung Pu said...

Also, any old SOB should automatically lose their driving licenses by the time they reach 70. No exceptions fuckers

Anonymous said...

OMG Charlie! I fall asleep every night watching reruns of the Golden Girls. What does that say about me? LOL.

Miss_Vicki said...

Sorry but the Golden Girls suck :op

I totally agree, I'd rather go out on top than be sitting there, elderly sick and alone, just watchin the grass grow and waitin to die. No thanks!

Yeah, fuckos! ;)

Sorry about them Yanks Charlie.... ok well maybe not ;o)

supplymadam said...

I hope I still have a sex drive when I'm 80.

Becky said...

Joe Dimaggio's newphew comes into my bar alot.

Jillian said...


Panthergirl said...

"Three Proud Marys"... OMG, I literally SPIT! LOL

Peanutt said...

Hubby works for Daimler Chrysler and the old farts that have been there like 45 plus years and WON'T retire just bite ass! No room for opportunity for the lower man on the totem pole because they have like a bizzillion years seniority! My Dad had 30 years and he was O-U-T!

I think once you hit 60, you should automatically get to retire and live out the rest of your days travelling, golfing, whatever you choose to do! No, ifs, ands, or buts about it!
Have a great day off!

Anonymous said...

i agree. it's about time the drunkard murderer from mass. step down.every time he opes his mouth he damages america or gets are soldiers killed.

Jennifer said...

Hilarious stuff: Certified 101% true.