There has been quite a bit of talk about the Iraqi elections lately in the news. It was good to see the Iraqi folks out and about voting. Their "ballot box" voting seems to be working out better than our dimpled chads and all the other ways we vote. Each state here in the U.S votes its own way based on state laws. There is no federal standardized voting law.
Many people here in America want computerized voting, I say no way. Computers aren't for voting, they are for picking up girls, having affairs, video games, and bill paying. Voting by computer would sound really cool and futuristic if it was 1969. But now that we all have them, we know what they are, huge fuck-up machines.

Let's Steer Clear of These.......

I know what would happen if we computerized our elections, some 16 year old hacker in Norway would hand the Presidency to the Kylie Minogue/Paris Hilton ticket. If you thought the last two elections were bad, wait until the next one is decided by a customer service rep in New Delhi, India.
glad your back around on the crunk block.
byte me, hehehe
Get outta my head, Charlie. A co-worker and I just had this discussion yesterday. I agree with you, as antiquated as our system seems, I like having my ballot on paper, thank you very much.
And, the Kylie/Paris ticket makes my ass itch. Yikes, what a nightmare!
I'm like the idea of the Kylie/Paris ticket... Where do I send my campaign donation?
Ha, ha, ha......
Yeah, but Martin Sheen... that would be a different matter altogether. He does "President" good on West Wing...
i dont think it should be computize either there are just toom many damn old people who would f* it up!
EXACTLY! I would love to vote from the convenience of my home, but let's be realistic.
Haha! I agree,let's leave the computers for games,ect. Otherwise how can we get a fingerprint.
LOL once again you crack me up. Paris Hilton for President....shoot me.
I'll bite you Charlie. LOL.
I think the bid would go to Gena Davis. That new TV show is a news program, right?
You are soooooo Koool!!!!!!!1
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