Something VERY wrong here.....

Costco and other "price clubs" are now selling reasonably priced coffins. In doing so, they are depriving families the best part of the grieving process, getting screwed out of $10,000 by a sleazy funeral home director.
The coffin would definitely come in handy for toting all your bulk items out of the store, being that these price clubs don't supply shopping bags. Toss your 24 pack of Poland Spring, your 36 roll Bounty, and your 48 roll Charmin right in the casket for easy transport. Just don't forget to bring your rope, to tie the coffin to the roof of your car for the ride to the funeral home.
I don't know, this just isn't for me. One day when I have kids, I want them to pay through the nose for my coffin. I want to get even with them for the "tuition" money that they will surely spend on beer. Have a great day everyone!
Haaaaaaaaaa!!! hey funerals are expensive these days and so are everything that goes along with it!! better than just diggin a hole adn throwen someone in it!! lol!
"Depriving families out of the grieving process" - you're so stinkin funny, it must be a gift. :)
What a great idea! What'll they think of next, discount embalming?
hmmmm i wonder if i can purchase a key to heaven there too.
WEll you just never know.......
Classic Post Cmac! I did pay through the nose for my mothers 10K funeral. I think I'm going another route as funerals are SUCH a waste of money.
See now this is why we should be cremated. Spread my ashes around or stick them on a mantle.
Which reminds me of a joke:
This woman's husband dies and she wants to keep him with her so she mixes his ashes with some pot and smokes it. Then she says" Wow he never made me feel this good when he was alive"
Oh Lord. What am I going to hear of next? LOL.
Wow!! I have not seen this until now. That is classic.
I don't know why I'm surprised by anything anymore. ;)
This is exactly why I want to be cremated....it's not like we are going to give a rat's ass what happens to our physical bodies when we are dead.
I do have to say though that if I walk into the grocery store someday and they are selling caskets this would be where I draw the line....ewww
Anyway, I hope ya'll are having a great day!
I agree that it's sort of wrong, I'm all for the two for the price of one coffins! :)
You could even give your kids rides in em too as you stroll around the store, instead of the shopping cart :p
Who the hell would pay $10k for a box you put a dead body in the ground in? gross
Any vampyre worth its salt already has its own coffin.
Make sure you bring your own really large hand truck to drag the casket full of goodies out of the store,then use it for an ice bucket for your next Halloween party after you've gotten it home and unloaded it.
Personally, I'd rather have an old-fashioned pine casket. That way I'll rot away that much faster. Or better yet--cremation!
I'have just bookmarked you. Great info - will for sure be back to visit.
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