Prediction #1- The New York Yankees WILL make the playoffs by winning the AL East and knocking the defending World Champion Red Sox out of the playoffs.
The Yankees DID win the A.L East, but they did NOT knock Boston out of the playoffs, as the Red Sox won the wild card spot. I get 1/2 point there.
Prediction #2- C-Mac WILL be offered a job at a company he is interviewing with later today.
I still have not gotten official word on this. The interview went very well last week, but no decision has been made yet. 0 points
Prediction #3- Another Tropical Storm will form in the Atlantic this week, eventually hitting the Virginia/Maryland/Delaware region late next week.
A Tropical Storm (Stan) formed in the Atlantic, but is headed for Mexico. 0 points
Prediction #4- There will be a significant earthquake in Peru.
A 7.5 magnitude earthquake took place in Peru last week. I am only giving myself 1/2 point because I predicted this last Tuesday and later that night, I found out that a 7.5 earthquake hit the day BEFORE. I had NO prior knowledge of this, so I am granting myself 1/2 point.
Prediction #5- C-Mac will hear from someone (a female) that he has not heard from in a long while sometime before Sunday.
This came true! On friday, Regina, and old friend/girl I dated e-mailed me to see how I have been. I had not corresponded with her since June. 1 point!
So out of a possibe 5, I scored a 2! Here are this week's predictions!

The Swami Says...............

This week the SWAMI says:
Prediction #1: Bono from U2 or Bob Geldof the founder of "Live Aid" will win the Nobel Peace Prize handed out later in the week.
Prediction #2: The Yankees will defeat the Angels in 4 games in round one of the playoffs.
Prediction #3: Harriet Miers, Bush's Supreme Court Nominee will drop out of consideration for Supreme Court Justice.
Prediction #4: Liz Taylor will be in the news for VERY poor health reasons.
Prediction #5: The Cincinnati Bengals will beat Jacksonville and start their season 5-0.
Ok, let's hear your weekly prediction(s) and how you did last week.......
Always good to hear from "old friends." You take care of yourself!
Well none of my predictions came true. I thought I had poison oak but obviously not so I am off to the doctor today to see what it is.
Think it might be a reaction to something.
I can't even comment 'cause I'm laughing so hard at Hu!
I hope the job comes through for you Charlie. Good luck with that.
Bono all the way! I love him and he definitely deserves the Nobel Prize.
I predict C-Mac will enjoy a nice Canoli later today.
Only one of my predictions came true. So, one point for me. There were 7 cars wrecked on Saturday morning!
1. I predict that I will do something I shouldn't this week.
2. I will throughly enjoy my weekend.
3. Still hoping for that phone call that will make me giggle before answering.
Happy Tuesday, Charlie!
I predicted that you'd be wrong in at least one of your predictions, so I was right! ;)
I think you might be right about Supreme Court nominee Meirs, though.
My prediction for the week: There will be several good quips on "House" tonight.
Can't wait to hear the resluts!!
I didn't do too well last week because the Indians didn't whoop ass, and they are actually out of the whole thing. STupid Rampin' Frampin' Yankees.
My prediction this week:
Randy Moss will quit football because he wants to go to India and smoke weed. (Holla at your girl Randy!)
Because my husband is a pizza pie, I will reach my goal weight of 350 pounds by Christmas.
And finally, I will become so obssessed with "Man Toes " that my family commits me to a crazy home. Which could be fun and I'm totally down for.
Bono? Really? You think???
We can only hope #3 happens sooner, rather than later.
thanks for the show of affection Charlie. It mush needed right now.
I won't go far.
Alwasy reading. Every day!
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