Lawmaker or bottle filler?

What's next? Maybe cutting off the sale of makeup because only "sluts" wear makeup? According to these fanatics, a "good" woman doesn't paint herself. Maybe no more deodorant. Who'd want to have sex if everyone smells? Maybe no suntan lotion either, you see what happens in Cancun and at MTV Beach House. Maybe a veil would work better than sunscreen.
Why is this country becoming Utah? I know the conservatives keep saying that we coastal "elites" don't get it. Well maybe you don't get us. We need sex.
Now I know these "conservatives" say the Pill and sex is a moral issue. Problem is, we all don't get our morals from the same book. The book that says slavery is ok, but sex isn't unless you are married at which point it becomes a blessed sacrament between a husband and the wife who's withholding it.
To all the "activist" pharmacists out there who think sex is bad, probably because with them it usually is, you are not a lawmaker, or even a doctor! In the medical pecking order you fall somewhere between a podiatrist and a tree surgeon. You work for CVS, not for God.... do your job. The doctors are the ones who make the medical decisions because they went to medical school whereas you were transferred to a counter next to the film drop-off and the skittles.
Hey...some of us just like to take those pills (or in my case, patch) as a non-surgical breast enhancement technique. Of course, I suppose the purpose of breast enhancement is to attract a male for the purposes of...um...well, please don't tell my pharmacist!!
OH.MY.GOD. ---> You work for CVS, not for God.... do your job
I agree with you that they should not allow their beliefs to interfere with their job, however I don't agree with your summary of what a pharmacist does. Do you want someone who falls somewhere you compare to a tree surgeon filling your prescriptions? Their schooling is very involved and complicated.
These are also the same pharmacists that won't fill the "morning after" pill - which is basically just a concentrated dose of birth control taken at one time. Which also drives me crazy. If I wanted your moral opinion on my decisions and my sex life, then I'd have the conversation with a priest! So, just take my prescription, keep your judgements to yourself, and let me go on my merry-ass way!
That's just ridiculous! Probably the same jackass who wouldn't give me my birth control pills would give you your Viagra and that is just wrong! Pharmacists need to stick to what they know best; separating little pills into bottles.
Yay for early morning sex talk!!!
I like it.
I used to work in a pharmacy... Thankfully I never worked for one of the a-holes that you're describing...the ladies I was fortunate enough to work for were single! ;)
Blogging is against my religion. I guess I will have to say 3 Hail Mary's.
Don't knock pharmacists, they're very well educated. But they have no right to force their beliefs on anyone else.
I say... Screw 'em all!
Friggin bible freaks...Don't me get started on that...to late...I think I might blog about it.
I agree with you 1000%! I appreciate that some pharmacists don't want to fill a prescription that goes against their religion, but the fact that they don't do it means they are imposing THEIR religous beliefs on the customer. Goes 100% against the "freedom of religion" line they always use to rationalize it...
I am a pharmacy student who has just completed 6 freakin' years of school. I am going to get a doctorate, which is now required to be a pharmacist. The jacket isn't pretend! Nevertheless, NO health care provider has the right to force their views on others. Period.
Ok first of all - there is more to being a pharmacist than just putting pills in a bottle. Every time a prescription is filled, it is checked for drug interactions, potential allergies of the patient, as well as whether the dose written by the physician is correct for the condition being treated. And that is just in the retail realm of pharmacy - which is just a small slice of the profession of pharmacy. Before you throw stones at a profession, make sure you know what you are talking about.
Now that that is out of the way - as a pharmacy student, it outrages me that a pharmacist believes he or she has the RIGHT to refuse a prescription on moral grounds. There are situations when a prescription should be refused - such as when it is being used to maintain an addiction or if the medication is unsafe due to interactions or an inappropriate dose. Medication, or any form of health care, should never be refused based on religious beliefs. When you enter a health profession, you put your personal beliefs aside for the good of patient.
You know that prescriptions in the UK are like...free? Birth control is free and if you go to a pharmacy it only costs $10 no matter what!
Yes, this is what pharmacists are PAID to do. They are not allowed personal opinions into my life! Geez.
I work for a Neurology clinic and pharmacists will call and wow, if their schooling is soooo involved and complicated, they sure in the hell sound like idiots!
I love how people on my blog here take my sarcasm and my humor so seriously. My humor about pharmacists is just that humor, to make my point about the main issue. Figures, the day I write a pharmacist blog, I get 3 phrmacists/pharamacy students. Unreal.
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