Tipping is for waiters, waitresses, cab drivers, hair dressers, and lap dancers only. What is it with Starbucks, delis, Dunkin Donuts, dry cleaners etc., having tip cups on the counter?

No Tip Fucko

Hmmmmm....what is 15% of "blow me?" Waiters get tips because they wait on you. If your job involves standing behind a counter cutting rolls in half and putting cold cuts on them, you're not waiting on me, I am waiting on you.
Ladies, leave your eyelashes alone. Here's how much men care about your eyelashes, you have 2 sets? Ok, we are done.
They need to get rid of baby changing stations in public men's rooms. Let's stop pretending this has been, or ever will be used. At best, this is a day bed for a very short homeless man.
"Hooked on Ebonics." That's right, America is hooked on ebonics. I don't know about you, but I am kind of bored with white people, especially old ladies or kids saying "fo shizzle" or "shnizzle" on TV sitcoms. It was funny the first 100 times. Rappers, you have guns for a reason, start using them.
Have a great day!
No tip F**&&O . . .you started my week off with another smile :).
Changing station in the mens bathroom is brilliant. Why do the mothers always have to take care of that? hmmm Charlie????
Now that my brother has his third son, one 10, one that is 14 months still in diapers and one that is almost two months, the daddy needs to help change the diaper too when they all go out to eat. Heck!
The tipping thing, I agree. I see that shit right on the cashier's counter. I don't get it either. They should be tipping me, for giving me all the aggrivation not getting my order ever correct.
Hahahaha... I didn't even realize they had diaper table thingies in men's bathrooms. Wow. Do men really change their kids diapers? LOL.
And the last thing we need is more rappers shooting people. LOL.
Yeah, kinda like "Get er done!" That's SO two summers ago...
LMAO! a daybed for a very short homeless man!
What's with the eyelashes? Someone using too much mascara for you? LOL
That was some good ranting...
You are just pissed this Happy Monday.
C'mon. My birthday is in 14 days! Halloween is just around the corner.
I get to go to VEGAS YaY!!!
Did you ever find out what 15% of a blow job is?
How about the automatic tip for a large party? Even if the service sucks, you gotta pay.
LMAO...you are too funny Charlie...
I am going to pee in my pants if you keep posting such brilliantly funny stuff. (my bladder is weak from having a baby)
Men should help with the diaper changing...and you will to someday...
I am sick to death of all the tipping jars everywhere I go. This may be my fault, but I always feel guilty if I don't put a tip in the jar.
What really get's me though is when I do put a tip in a jar where it is deserved and the person who has helped me didn't see me do it, and then you get that look, or at least you think that is what the look is for. I have on accasion put in an extra tip just so it can be seen. I know, I am a loser...heh.
I agree with the ebonics thing, but please don't encourage rappers and the like to shoot people... ;)
On the other hand, there are a few people I would like to have disappear...heh.
The deli around the corner from my office has a tip jar at the register. Like making us pay $8.00 for a turkey sandwich isn't arrogant enough!
Tip this. I give my hairdresser,my mailwoman(at Christmas)the paperguy,the bartender the wait staff. I've reached my limit. Screw the rest of you.
If I got a tip everytime I give my customers good service,I'd be a friggin millionare!
Oh I forgot to mention the garbage men at the holidays. geeez!
I agree with everything you said. I only tip those who should get a tip.....I hate the tip cups...are they asking for a tip so they can get a nicer cup to get tips in?
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