Thursday, October 20, 2005

Feeling Philisophical

Thursday is upon us. We're almost there, hang in there people! I hate the term "everything happens for a reason." It's very cliche and I don't like cliches. I do feel that we are destined to meet certain people and that each person fulfills something in our lives and that there is a purpose for two paths to cross. Sometimes we know the reason right away, sometimes we find out later on, sometimes we never find out what the reason was at all.

Today I am feeling a little philisophical. I was chatting with my friend last night, let's call her Ginger. Ginger and I were feeling a bit sentimental and reflective about life and discussing people in our lives. After talking about our Grandfathers and our families, I asked her who her favorite person in the world was that wasn't part of her family. She was talking about a new friend and she explained that this person was very humble, and real, and how this friend really "gets" her. She then posed the same question to me, and it made me think......

I have many good people in my life, people that make me smile and feel good just by hearing their voice, getting an e-mail from them, and especially from seeing them. Some of the people I recently work with come to mind. The Sugar V, The Freaky Virgin, Supplymadam, Hu Flung Pu, DarianJ, Cindy, Dina and the rest of the crew. They are all genuine people and I am a better person for knowing them and a few others there. But when the question was posed to me, a name immediately came to mind. Linda. Linda and I haven't spoken in a while for reasons I won't get into on here. Linda and I "got" each other. We just understood one another. We grew up in a similar fashion, we have the same type of humor, and I think we compliment each other's personalities in a very unique way. Although we haven't spoken in quite a few months, I often think of her and wonder how she is. It's hard to explain.

Then there are the "staples", people that have been around for years or those that you had a deeper relationship with that you know will be there for you when the chips are down. Rich, Kevin, Mike D, Lauren B, Lauren C, Randa, Tatiana, Regina, and Kristin. Yeah, I'll toss Kristin into that group. Kristin is a person that although I sometimes question her intentions, I really do believe she cares and would be there for me in a bind. My relationship with Kristin has been complicated from the start but it has taught me a lot. Kristin has brought out the best and the worst in me in a very short period of time. Our purpose in meeting is still to be determined.

Then there are the "new" people in my life. First let's mention "Hilda" (haha) Hilda is an extraordinary person. She brings out so many good things in me. I can talk to her about anything and feel at ease. She always puts a smile on my face and I always feel like she's in "my corner." Even though we know each other a short time, she is dependable, inspirational, thoughtful, and trustworthy. I look forward to what lies ahead.

Many of you that come here each day make a difference. Even when there are stretches of time where I don't visit your sites, there are loyal people who check in here each day, you know who you are. That really means a lot to me. I hope we all fulfill a certain purpose in each other's lives and it is something positive for you all.

Have a great day!


Marie said...

Hi Charlie! :)

What a thought provoking and lovely post. Now you have me thinking about those who've made a difference in my life and those who mean a great deal to me.

Anonymous said...

This is a very sweet post. I spent a lot of time thinking thoughts like this when I was away recently. It's a good thing to step back every now and then and realize what you DO have instead of focusing on the things you don't. LIFE IS GOOD!

Happy Thursday!

Danielle said...

I think every thing does happen for a reason and I believe it! :)

Bridget Unnel said...

Awww, now I look so shallow in comparison today posting a picture of Heidi Klum's beauty-challenged baby....

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was pretty deep and philosophical today Charlie. You sure do have a lot of friends. I don't even think I can count my true friends on one hand. I guess I'm more of a loner. LOL. But you're right, people do come into our lives for a reason whether it's known to us or not. I'm thankful for everyone that's come into my life; good or bad. They all taught me something.

Hu Flung Pu said...

and we are all better for having met you charlie...

The Diva ♥ said...

wow thats pretty deep but im wondering where's the skin!
happy hnt :)

Heather said...

Great post, Charlie... Sounds like you've got your chin up lately!

I have a friend, Bert, that sounds a lot like your friend, Hilda... Enjoy your new friend! They are lucky to have you!

Have a great Thursday!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this side of you Charlie. The funny side is good too, but this is the real you. As long as you're blogging, I'll keep coming back.

supplymadam said...

I find myself quoting you at times.So you left an impression with me. I'll say "Charlie said".
You are one of the if not the nicest people I know and I am more fulfilled having known you.
You got it all going on!

Jenni said...

Awwwww! Great Post! I think your friends are also lucky to have a friend like when you're giving out the pats on the back, give one to yourself! You deserve it! Oh, and Bruce forgot to mention Bruce!

Danielle said...

wow. deep post. i often think about who has been there, or would be there, in rough times. and who has not been there. i think how people act in difficult times, says a lot about their character and the role they should play in my life. i truly value my few true friends.

WordWhiz said...

I'm feeling philosophical today too, but I think it has more to do with not winning that $340 million Powerball jackpot.

Panthergirl said...

Hey.... more about Hilda!! Enquiring minds want to know! (Some of us have to live vicariously through you.)

Love ya, Charlie. That was a heart-warming post to read.

Anonymous said...

Hey Charlie.....

Thinkin of you!


T.A.N. said...

what a cutie patootie you are.

friends and the people in our lives make all the difference. here here.