There's only one way to stop terrorism, we have to figure out a way to get Muslim men laid. Recently five British Muslims who were released from our prison at Guantanamo accused their American captors of bringing in prostitutes to taunt them. It turned out that most of them had never seen a naked woman. This made me wonder how many Al-Qaeda members have even dated a girl and what would happen if we hired women to infiltrate Al-Qaeda cells and have sex with them.

Cure for terrorism, get these guys laid......

I'll bet you things would change quickly after this covert operation. I don't think young Muslim men really hate America, they are jealous of America. We have rap videos, the Hilton sisters, porn channels, and magazines with titles such as "Barely Legal." You know what's barely legal in Afghanistan? EVERYTHING! Bottom line, young men, all men for that matter, need sex.
What do guys do when they can't get laid, can't get a girlfriend, or can't even talk to a girl? They commit suicide, unlike here in America where it's the married dudes who wanna kill themselves. Here in America there's always hope that you cna at least talk to a girl, she might be crazy enough to even go for you. Or you could get rich and buy one.
The connection between lack of sex and anger is real. It is why pro boxers stay celibate when they are in training, so that on fight night they are ready to kill. It's why NFL football players are told not to have sex between Wednesday and gameday (Sunday), and why Bill Clinton never started a war.
We need to mobilize two divisions of skanks, a regiment of ho's, and a brigade of girls who can't say no all under the command of Jessica Alba in her camouflage catsuit.
Forget the Peace Corps, we need a "Piece of ASS Corps." Ladies, there's a cure for terrorism, and you are sitting on it.
Inspired by Bill Maher
Well, perhaps we can just uby them blow up dolls. That would actually be the easy route.
Very might be on to something
On the other hand you could be "on something".
your nuts!
You may have a point there, Doll, but what kind of girls are going to volunteer for this kind of thing? ;)
Happy Monday!
This is good Charlie - I think you're right, they definitely need something and maybe sex is the key. I like your mobilization plan, and your "Piece of Ass Corps," very funny. I love starting my Monday morning laughing at your posts. Thanks.
That is so funny. Piece of Ass Corps. You crack me up...
I love your sense of humor Charlie. "Piece of ASS Corps." LOL. Thanks. I really needed a good laugh this morning.
wow u blew my mind!
Maybe if they took a shower once in a while they would get laid more often. I don't even want to go there.ewwwww!
You are sooo right!!!
Amazing how sex affects us.
To have or not to have
Dooood!! I really think you've got it nailed here!! (pun intended!) Like, seriously!! I wasn't aware the terrorists were so sex deprived, but it explains a lot. Awesome!! I'm linking to this post.
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