Sumo wrestling is not a sport, it's an eating disorder.

A Sport? I think NOT!

You can't call yourself an athlete if your idea of getting in shape is tripling in size.

Bonds, Barry Bonds

Except in Baseball.
Big oil companies need to stop running ads telling us how much they are doing for the environment. We get it, you rape the earth, and try to cuddle afterwards. Like a serial killer dumping a body on the side of the road and then adopting a highway.


If the folks at Shell are really serious about cleaning something up, start with your restrooms.
I see former drug addicts or alcoholics on TV all the time saying "I almost died." No. cancer survivors almost died. You almost had too good of a time.
Have a great Monday!!!!!
Sorry about your spam problem. Given the will to eat with abandon I could be a sumo wrestler! Given the steriods I could be a baseball star! Given the money of Shell I could be on the beach living large! I'd be hanging with the Nicotine crowd and all the other sociopathic corperations.Please send money so I don't go public, I have some great ideas on how to exploit the public for my benefit. Yes this is extortion but its not like you are going to get me to admit it? Just send the money or I will, err Exploit!
Awww, Charlie's just happy because the Yanks forced game 5 to happen!!! Let's hope they take care of business in Anaheim...
Morning, Doll!
I was once saw a big fat sumo wrestler, injecting hmiself with steroids, while at a Shell station, he then turned to me and said "I'm hungry"
Sumo wrestlers remind me of Sharpei dogs. You have to make sure you clean and dry in the crevices.
You just get funnier all the time. ;)
I am on sports overload right now (as I mentioned on my blog yesterday). But I can honestly say that I did watch part of the Yankees game last night - here's to them giving it a good run in the last game!
omg gas station bathrooms are so disgusting, atleast ehre they are. there is like pi ss and shit and trash every where (sorry) but its true, YUCK!
Nothing about the YANKEES????? Oh disappoint me. ;)
Hey, great blog. Problems with flatulence? I run a great fart website. Stop by sometime!
Sports - blaaaaaaah!!!
As usual, well said.
I love those diaper thing's the sumo wrestlers wear!
I love Mr. Pu. He makes a Monday (no Tuesday) morning tolerable (you know us govt. workers - we get all the good holidays)! Thanks Charlie for knowing just what to write to spark him.
That top picture looks like my mother-in-law and my father-in-law. Can't tell them apart...
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