McDonald's "restaurants" don't belong in hospitals.

Sickey D's......

I have seen and read about this new phenomenon. Hospitals? HELLO! Should hospitals be in the "repeat business?" As soon as a patient gets released, they are right back in with clogged arteries. We already have a way to screw patients, they are called HMO's, we don't need McDonald's in hospitals.
People claim all kinds of bogus shit on their taxes. Just a reminder, the computer setup in your home where you play video golf, look at porn, and where your wife chats with strangers while you are at work is not a tax write off as a "home office" it's a spot in your "family" room that faces away from your family....
There shouldn't be any more "talent" competitions at beauty pageants. Just being hot is a talent. The only reason a guy would watch Miss Louisiana play the accordian is because it makes her breasts jiggle.
Last Friday point.....with Halloween approaching, I don't care how big your pumpkin is. It does not reflect on anything you did, it just grew like a bright orange garden tumor. It's not a personal achievement.
Have a great weekend!!!! :)
Yay for Friday!
Wait...I say yay... HEY!
I care how big the pumpkin is! That's talent...just like jiggling your breasts around when you play the accordian...
I actually tried to grow pumpkins this summer in my little garden. I had two nice ones, perfectly round, nice and orange, I was getting ready to pick them last week actually, when I went outside and notice these two fuckin squirrels sitting in my pumpkins, eating the whole damn things. So, now I had to go to the store and buy a pumpkin.
As far as taxes go, I have a crook as an accountant, and I advise everyone to use him :)
"The only reason a guy would watch Miss Louisiana play the accordian is because it makes her breasts jiggle." Finally, someone explains to me why there are so many damn accordian players in those "competitions"!
have a good weekend, mc donalds can kill ya (ever see super size me) but i love their food!!! I know, I know.
McDonalds? In Hospitals? It's amazing how the MAN can weasel his way into making more money...I never ever thought Ronald McDonald would become "The Man" I mean, with his bright red hair and everything....I'm just saying, not very "The Man" like.
i guess if youre going to have a heart attack there isn't a better place than a hospital.
Ummmm...yeah....yay is gay, for guys anyway.
Okay, as for Mickey D's in hospitals, brilliant, "they" have found yet another way to stick it to us.
"Bend over and grab your ankles, bitch"!
This is completely asinine!
Have you been to my house?! How did you know all of that personal information about me, about my computer facing away from the family? Freaky.
I love a guy who can be honest and open. A guy who can talk openly about the size of pumpkins, even other people's pumpkins. I agree with you, it's not the size of the pumpkin that matters, it's the stem that I care about. Oh yeah... the way it curls and twists....hehe
Woo Hoo!!! Its Friday!!
Have a super weekend!!
Is blogging considered a tax write off?
I like those foam pumpkins.You can use them over and over and squirrels hate them.
Bright orange garden tumour huh? Sounds like our prime minister's head. Is that a tax write off?
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