Friday, January 21, 2005

World's Worst Occupation

I think we have all held jobs in the past that we look back on and say "how did I do that?" While we were in college or high school we did what we had to do to make a few bucks and survive. My first job was selling sneakers at Herman's World of Sporting Goods. It wasn't the worst job, but it sucked fitting smelly people's feet all day with sneakers and dealing with the rudest people. The worst job I ever had was being a manager for Caldor. Remember that store? We would never have anything in stock that was advertised in the paper and people would curse and scream at me all day long. The store would get so trashed by the end of the day that it would take hours after closing just to make it look somewhat shoppable again. I remember one Sunday getting a garden rake from the hardware department to rake the shoe department because there were about 1000 loose shoes on the floor, without their matches. So after raking all of them in a pile bigger than Mt. Fuji, it took my staff about 3 hours to match them all up and get them back on the shelves. Working the holidays there was the worst. We'd open at 6am and people would be waiting at the door after just rolling out of bed. You could tell what side of their head they slept on because they didn't even comb their hair. It was horrible. I was thinking this morning...I suppose compared to other jobs that people do, I guess that wasn't so bad. I think the worst job anyone could have would be the floor mopper at a peep show place. That can't be fun. Your thoughts?

1 comment:

supplymadam said...

I think Lauren has us all beat.