Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Middle Finger

Who was the first person to angrily stick up their middle finger and invent the F You international sign? I always wondered how that became as big as it did and how it all developed. Perhaps a caveman put out another caveman's fire and he got pissed off and stuck up his finger and the craze began. I don't know. Why was the middle finger chosen? I can understand why you wouldn't use the pinky, the pinky is kind of weak and does not make a statement. The thumb wouldn't work either because thumbs up and down already have their own meaning. I would have chosen the ring finger. The ring finger is the toughest to stick up alone and makes more of a statement. If you are going to muster up the effort and energy to give someone the ring finger, then you must be pissed at them. Why not tell some one to F off, why sign language? Is it the polite way of telling someone to F off? The F word is usually associated with a sexual act. So when you are angry at someone why would you say F you? Isn't that a good thing? If anyone knows how the middle finger really started, or your theory, I'd love to hear it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's used because it is the longest finger and therefore more emphasis is put into the profanity. Nobody would really notice a little finger and the ring finger is WAY too hard to separate.