Monday, January 24, 2005

Erectile Dysfunction Commercials

Well, after being snowed in for 36 hours and watching hours of football and other sports, it goes without saying that I've seen about two dozen commercials for erectile dysfunction on television. I have a few comments to make about these commercials. First, the commercial says, if an erection last for more than four hours call your doctor immediately. The LAST person I'm calling if I am hard for four hours is my doctor. I'd be making calls, but not to my doctor. I think I'd call every girl I've ever dated, a few of the neighborhood ladies, a few female friends, etc., but definitely not a doctor. I'd also walk to the supermarket, save some gas that way and I'd also have a handy bag carrier. Maybe pick up the dozen shirts and other dry cleaning while I'm out, since I have a built in hang bar now. Maybe play a game of pool, no cue stick required. I think I'd be dangerous with those pills....for real. Thankfully, I don't need them. But it's comforting to know that someday when I'm old and the equipment is failing a bit, that I have options. I truly think these drug companies overdo it with all these drug ads. It's insane. Not just for erectile dysfunction, but for everything! Is it me or do the side effects of these drugs seem worse than the condition you have that you are taking the pills for?????? They advertise these like it's aspirin. Your thoughts?????


Molly said...

That was funny! Though you might be calling your doctor first IF she was of the hot female just have to find the right doctor to call!

Charlie Mc said...

Does anyone have the Yellow Pages??????

supplymadam said...

I say no to these medications. I feel this is not safe especially if your a woman. I mean 4 hours of non-stop. Plus what if you have an undetected condition going on? Are we that selfish that we can't be satisified with 15-30 minutes? After all there's always other things you can do to keep busy.