Monday, January 17, 2005

Dating Resume/References

How many times have we met someone that we thought was amazing, then we start to date them, only to find out down the line that they are either insane, have more issues than the Sunday Times, or more baggage than American Airlines? I think we'll all agree that everyone comes with some sort of emotional baggage or issues and that when you love someone you deal with those things and work with them to help the overcome certain things. I'm talking about the people out there who claim to be normal and turn out to be nuts. The people who just plain lie about things. We have screening/reference/background checks to obtain employment, to get into a school, to get a credit card, a loan, a car, etc. Yet we have no system in place to check someone's dating and relationship track record. There should be a network where we all could go and obtain references and testimonials (both good and bad) from people's ex's to find out what kind of person they are once you get to know them or how they acted in certain situations, etc. I know the fun of meeting someone is getting to know all this for yourself, and that's true it is fun. But how many times have we met someone who is full of crap and you find out much later when you already have feelings for that person and then it's worse? I'd love to have the option of checking first hand for myself by interacting with people who have seen this person first hand in a relationship. Did she stalk? What annoyed you about her? Did she cheat? Was she trustworthy? She claims she likes baseball and will watch the Yankees every night, is that true? Haha, sounds all funny, and maybe a bit twisted, but wouldn't it save alot of time, aggravation, hurt, and stress to be able to know this stuff going in? I think people would also treat others better knowing this person will be a reference someday to a future person that they may like very much. Just a thought.........


Anonymous said...

I second that notion-it's like getting surgery, you should get a second opinion!

Unknown said...

How much crap are we talking about? Is it around you or on ya? Is their a difference between hard, soft or runny? Reminds me of one of my old sayings "Its better to pee on your leg than have someone carp on your face."