Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Myth of Nirvana

We all remember the band Nirvana, the Seattle grunge group that was led by Curt Cobain who decided to blow his brains out at the height of his career and his crazy ass wife Courtney Love. I am so tired of seeing countdowns on MTV and VH1 giving this band so much credit and saying they changed the face of music. They did no such thing. First of all Pearl Jam and The Stone Temple Pilots were far more talented at that time. Sure Nirvana and the "grunge" scene of the early 90's was a rebellion against hair bands, MC Hammer and all that bubble gum crap, but they didn't change the face of music like these morons think. If Nirvana and these other grunge bands made such an impact, why was it that just 3 years after the height of grunge, The Spice Girls, Hanson, and all these other teenie bopper bands burst upon the scene? Grunge was just a fad like the music they criticized. It had no staying power. I am so tired of seeing the "Smells Like Teen Spirit" video win the best video of all time on every countdown. Cobain was a whiney ass bitch who cried for years about not being famous and making it big, then when he finally did he whined more like a bitch and said he didn't want to be part of it all and eventually killed himself. That's the only reason Nirvana is looked upon so highly from the music critics out of sympathy for Cobain. Since then, it's been all downhill in the music industry.....there have been very few good bands or artists the last 8-10 years. It's all commercialized crap with no meaning. I remember when music meant something, when there was variety in new music, when artists were creative and actually wrote their own stuff. Now they take the hottest guy or girl they can find, dress them up, hand them a song and say sing it. It's complete garbage.

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