Friday, January 14, 2005


Fun Dip, remember that stuff? I really believe Fun Dip was the root cause of ADD and the development of Ritalin. Yeah, giving a kid 100% pure sugar to eat with a hard sugar stick that they eat when all the sugar is gone is the ticket to a peaceful home and classroom. I remember fun dip came in these packs that had 2 flavors side by side. Like one pouch with strawberry and then one with grape. When you licked the sugar stick and got it wet you would dip it in the sugar and it would stick to it so you could lick up all the sugar. I'm sure that food coloring they used was safe as well.

Remember Dinosaur Eggs? Willy Wonka used to make them, they were jawbreakers that came in their own individual box that were the size of like a kiwi fruit. It had like 30 layers of rock hard candy and a soft sweet tart in the center when you finally got to it after 12.5 hours of sucking on it. A dentists fantasy for sure.

Nobody remembers Monster Chomps. They were cookies from the early 80's. They came in a big box and the cookies looked like a monster took a bite out of them. They came in chocolate, vanilla, and I believe cinnamon. They were awesome!

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