Monday, January 31, 2005

Gift Bag vs. Wrapping

Ok, so how does someone decide whether to wrap a gift or put it in a gift bag? Is it how much you like the person? If you really love or like them you will go through the effort of a nice wrap, finding tape and scissors, wrapping, and maybe even a ribbon? If you aren't crazy about someone, they get a bag? Or is it more about the size and shape of the gift and whether or not it's wrappable? I often wondered. It could also be about the ambition of the giver. Most lazy people will toss you a gift bag. Some won't even include tissue paper. You just look in and whoomp, there the gift is. Gift bags can be as nice as wrapped gifts if the effort is there. You can bow and ribbon it up, some nice tissue paper, etc. I am a gift bag re-gifter. When I get a gift in a gift bag, I always save it and use it for someone else's gift. I usually try to remember who gave me the gift in that particular bag, as not to give it back to the same person. Is that bad? I mean, I've bought gift bags, but if I have a bunch at my disposal, why buy more, right? I think you can tell a good deal about someone by the way they present and give a look closely next time.


Molly said...

Wrapping versus bagging to me is usually a function of what I have at the house. If I happen to have a scrap of paper big enough to wrap the present, I will wrap and bow it, but if I just have a bag to regift then there we have it, a present in a gift bag. I am definitely one who chooses by convenience.

supplymadam said...

I love to wrap gifts. So I actually will wrap the gift and bow it up or wrap it up and gift bag it up also with nice tissue paper and ribbon. I like unusual gift bags like the ones from Pier 1 and I also foun some really cool ones at Tuesday Mornings for like 1.50-2.00.That doesn't mean I avoid the .99 store because I got some nice ones from there too. It's all the presentation I say.