Friday, January 14, 2005

5/7 of Our Lives

With about 2.5 hours to go in the work week, I can't help but look forward to the weekend. For instance, this weekend will feature plenty of NFL football playoffs, food, friends, etc. I look forward to the weekends so I can eat a little extra since I try to be a bit strict during the week. I also look forward to sleeping a bit later, lounging around, or doing whatever else comes to mind. If only every day was like that. We 9-5 (close enough) people wish 5/7 of our lives away waiting for the weekends to come. With the hustle and bustle of each work day, then running home to have dinner, unwind, clean up, etc., we find it difficult to stop and smell the roses when we are entrenched in our weekday routines. I think we all need something M-F to look forward to like we look forward to the weekends. That's why exercise, reading, writing, etc. are so important during the week. It gives us that little something to grasp on to 5 out of 7 days and makes the week easier to handle. I think Sunday Nights are the worst. reality that the weekend is over and a new work week is approaching quickly stets in. As a child I remember how neurotic my mom was about Sunday Nights and getting us ready for school the next day. My mom and dad would always watch 60 minutes at 7pm on Sunday Nights during this time period. To this day, the sound of that 60 minutes stopwatch gives me anxiety. It's a reminder of trying to make a mental transition from riding my bike, playing with my friends, video games etc., to math, science, history, etc. Now the sound brings the anxiety of office politics, large workloads, moody people, and other office delights. So folks, enjoy the weekend, soak up all the fun...and keep away from CBS at 7pm on Sunday......never did like that Andy Rooney anyway.

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