Friday, January 14, 2005

Sad Songs

Music is an important part of my life. Those of you that know me well already know that. Music is magical in the sense that it has the ability to bring you back to a particular moment in your life just by hearing a certain song. We remember about how old we were, what grade we were in, our friends, perhaps a special someone, or even a family member when we hear certain songs. I was driving to work this morning, crossing the bay on the Wantagh Parkway in a deluge of rain listening to "C-Mac's Favorites" it's a CD I made a few years ago with 20 of my all time favorite songs on it. One particular song always chokes me up, it's called "Get Here" by Oleta Adams. It's a song about two people in love that are not together and are separated by many many miles. It always brings a tear to my eye. What songs make you sad or cry? Here are a bunch of songs that I think are really really sad..........let's see if you can relate.

"Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler
"Against All Odds" by Phil Collins
"Just Once" by James Ingram
"All Out of Love" by Air Supply
"I'll Be There" The Jackson 5
"Just When I Needed You Most" by Randy Vanwarmer
"Leader of the Band" by Dan Folgelberg
"Neither One of Us" by Gladys Knight and the Pips
"September Morn" by Neil Diamond
"Remember Me This Way" by Jordan Hill


supplymadam said...

AHHH Sad songs! I've cried to a few of those myself. Remember Honey by Bobby Goldsboro? "See the tree how big it's grown". Even the Pina Colada song is bittersweet. See we don't even know who we're sleeping with.Sad but sometimes true.

How about "You are everything"(and everything is you)I think Diana Ross did that one. I will add Moon River to the list. That's when Big from Sex and the City moved to California. For those of us who watch that show.

Anonymous said...

Ok, for me its "My Heart Will Go On" from Titanic and "Blue Moon"