Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Keebler Elves vs The Seven Dwarfs

I often wonder who would be better to live with, The Keebler Elves or The Seven Dwarfs. Both groups had personality and seem to be fun. If I had to choose, I'd definitely take the Keebler crew. The cookies are pretty good, they keep a spotless hollow tree, their moods are on an even keel, and they seem very easy to get along with. The Dwarfs on the other hand would be like rooming with seven mental patients. You have a guy always sneezing, a stupid one, a grumpy ass one, one that is always sleeping, a gay (happy) one (not that there's anything wrong with that), a shy one who'd hide all the time, and a know it all. They don't bake, clean, or interact well with others. For me, it's the Keebler gang. I also think in a fight, the Keebler guys would kick the dwarfs' asses.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree about the Keebler elves. I mean, in the dwarfs, you have a "Doc", but do you have "Baker"?

Unknown said...

I would go with the eleves. At least the bake.

Molly said...

For practicality sake I would have to go with the Seven Dwarves, firstly because at least I could tell them apart as by just looking at them I would know who they were and secondly after living with the Keebler Elves I might get too fat to fit into the hollow of the tree PRETTY quickly. Cookies are great, but there has to be more to eating than cookies.