Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Tuesdays Have No "Feel"

Tuesday has no feel at all. Every other day of the week has it's own feel. I suppose that's why places have "two-fer" Tuesdays....to compensate for the lack of feeling a Tuesday has. That's the only identity Tuesdays have, an extra Taco and a fast food place, and an extra "Stones" song played in a row on the radio.

So, I drive up to an ATM today, and there is braille on each button. Who the fuck is driving up to the ATM blind? Is it safe to say nobody's using that braille?

Ever go to an amusement park? Why are there HUNDREDS of handicapped spots? Have you ever seen someone get out of a wheelchair and go on "Rolling Thunder?" It's overkill.

Who really orders nachos at the movies? What heppened to the standard popcorn and coke? Have you seen what's on these movie theater menus?

One popcorn, one coke, one london broil, a corn on the cob, an some jujubees Posted by Picasa

Burgers, hot dogs, pretzels, nachos, 10 kinds of ice cream, candy, corn dogs, you name it. What's next, London Broil? I always seem to get the fucko with the exotic food sitting next to me which stinks up the entire section.

I wonder how many people are at work right now, at the job they dreamed about doing as a kid. What would you say, 3 out of 10 are working at their dream jobs? What the heck are the rest of us doing?

I saw a news report that someone put a bomb in a Starbucks bathroom in San Francisco. What did this bomber feel he/she would accomplish by blowing up a Starbucks? Gee, now there will be only 1,257,890,198 Starbucks remaining. Someone found the bomb before it went off and the bomb squad diffused it. It's gotta suck to fail at blowing something up, killing yourself, or something of that nature.

There's nothing better than coming home from a long day at work and having a dog go crazy to see you, other than Christina Aguilera naked with Jessica Alba and Scarlett Johansen in the process of stripping. Bruce went wild yesterday when I came home, jumping, kissing, and howling......he rocks.

Very random today! Have a great Tuesday. A shout out to AMES! Don't check my grammar punk!


Kristi said...

*giggle* At the braille comment....

ThursdayNext said...

Happy Tuesday, Chaz! Thanks for the shout out. Your grammar is perfect. Do you think that there are braille grammarians who make sure the grammar is ok in braille? Here is an LOL for you: LOL

Unknown said...

I always order a sausage at the movie theater.

Vixen said...

Brucie is SO cute! Movie theaters down in TN only have Popcorn, Candy and Soda - I was like what happened to the soft pretzels like they have up north?!

Thanks to god's invention of the big handbag, I take my own food/soda into a movie if I am going solo. $3.50 for a box of dots? I don't think so!

Anonymous said...

you just crack me up charlie.

afromabq said...

I'm gonna disagree w/you on the Christina/Jessica/Scarlett coming home thing. I'm thinking more like Edgar Ramirez, Eric Bano or Viggo Mortensen would work for me. Happy taco tuesday!

Heather said...

I was at the movies on Saturday night and I had popcorn and a coke... This is only because I didn't have enough time to get to the grocery store before to fill up "the big purse" like Vixen mentioned. There is no reason on the face of this green Earth that ANYONE should pay $5.00 for a Coke.

Wow. Sorry for the rant.

Hope the second homecoming is as great as the first!

Darcey said...

Tuesday. It is a random day. The biggest benefit is that its my short day at work.

And as far as people working in what they wanted to do as a child? I wanted to be a marine biologist. I suck at science. I work in sales. But here's to a future in culinary! *crosses fingers*

R said...

Happy "london broil" Tuesday. Why is it that the guy who cuts you off going to the drive thru line is the guy who orders the whole friggin menu.....UGH!

Fizzgig said...

Nothin like a dogs love! And, I'm jealous about your food selection at the movies. Cus, when I'm watching a movie, I definately love to eat corn on the cob!