Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Phrases That Annoy Me

Welcome to a New Year here at the beach. The holidays are over, finally, so it's back to business! With 2006 upon us, I thought I would list some "sayings" or "phrases" that annoy the shit out of me that I hopefully won't hear again this year:

1) "Everything happens for a reason." No it doesn't asshole. Sometimes things just happen for no reason so don't analyze everything.

2) "Think outside the box." This "saying" is as stupid as the fuckos who say it. I'll lock the next asshole who says it in a box.

3) "At the end of the day." People use this waaaaay too much. They say shit like, "Well, at the end of the day, love is all that matters." The end of the day my ass....why not just say "In the end" or something less moronic.

4) "There's no "I" in team." Right, but there is an I in dIckhead.

5) "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Bullshit. It wears you down and kills you slowly rather than quick and painlessly.

6) "If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were." Nonsense, if you love someone and set them free, they go bang someone else.

7) "When one door closes, another one opens." Tell that to the douche nozzle locked out of his car.

8)"I am better off alone." Women are famous for this one, yet bitch about being single within 5 minutes of saying it.

9) "That's why you make the big bucks." Fuck off. That saying is from the fuckin 60's asswipe. You always have an asshole at work that goes around saying that.

10) "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Really makes you feel better after catching your wife banging another dude, your dog getting hit by a car, losing your job, cutting off your finger with a hedge trimmer, and finding out your dad is gay all in the same week. I am sure that would be sound advice.

11) "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." I guess when the Yankees make bitches out of the Mets again this year, all the Mets players should cross the field and join 'em.

12) "Bring to the table." People will ask in job interviews "What can you bring to the table?" Bring to the table, stupid shit. Anyone who says that should be a fuckin' waiter or waitress bringing our food to the table.

What sayings annoy you?


Hu Flung Pu said...

"looks like someone has a case of the Mondays....."

i hate that saying

afromabq said...

He's back :). 4, 5 and 11 made me lol!

Anonymous said...

so i guess i'm gonna catch a major beatdown for always saying "things happen for a reason?" lol.

Vixen said...

I have to disagree with #5 - For me all the things that didn't emotionally or physically kill me (and there have been opportunities for both), taught me lessons and therefore made me a stronger person.

Tell us some sayings you do like Cmac! :)

Debi said...

LOL! As usual you brightened my day! Happy New Year!

Peanutt said...

Happy New Year CMac!

Katherine said...

Ack! Hysterical! Little angry today? Also, thanks for teaching me two new (and I'm sure they'll come in handy!) words - "fuckos" and "douche nozzle". I hate when people make up words like "anyways" instead of "anyway" and "irregardless". And prounounce the "s" in "Illinois". And use "could care less" in place of "couldn't care less".

The Diva ♥ said...

they all sound like some song!

Heather said...

I'm crabby this morning, so I have nothing to add, but I really like #4.


Panthergirl said...

When someone wants to "share" with me... what is this, fucking kindergarten? TELL me, don't "share", please.

"You go girl". ACK!

"Don't go there." Do people EVER get tired of talking like Oprah?

"it's been a great journey (or ride)" ... these are reality-TV staples.

I laughed out loud at "at the end of the day" because there's an asshole in my company who says that constantly (with a thick German accent) and we're always imitating him.

Thanks for 'sharing", Charlie!!! ;)