Friday, January 20, 2006

Friday Video and a Couple of Thoughts

Friday is here and I am happy! As always, a Friday video here at the beach, but first a couple of tidbits.

I wonder why they call it a TV "set" when you only get one. I never quite understood that one.

I saw my neighbors last week, they stopped over my house and were telling me all about some upcoming home renovations. They mentioned a circular driveway. Yesterday they got their circular driveway. Now, they can't get out.......

I recently got interested in astronomy. I went out and bought myself a telescope and had a skylight installed. The people upstairs are pissed......

Today's video centers around one of the greatest guitarists of all time, Stevie Ray Vaughn. Stevie died in a helicopter crash back in 1990. We lost a very talented musician that day.

I've heard debates all my life about who is/was the best guitarist of all time. Jimi Hendrix is a name that comes up often in that debate along with Eddie Van Halen. Here are some of my favorites:

Randy Rhodes, from Ozzy's band. Another young guitarist who died too soon.
Eric Clapton. Need I say more?
Stevie Ray Vaughn. A unique voice, a unique guitarist.
Steve Vai- David Lee Roth's guitarist, Whitesnake, and many other roles.
Pete Townshend- The Who
Jimmy Page- Led Zeppelin

Who is you favorite of all time??

And Now, A tune from Stevie.....enjoy it and your weekend.

Pride And Joy - Live
By Stevie Ray Vaughn


Marie said...

I have always loved Eric Clapton.

I hope that you have a great weekend, Charlie! Thanks for the Friday Video. :)

supplymadam said...

I am with you on those guitar players. Eric Clapton,Randy Rhodes and Jimmy Page. Also Hank Williams,Richie Blackmore and Tony Iominni.
"TV Set". Like they are talking about boobs or something.
Have a great weekend C-Mac.

Darcey said...

SRV is, and always will be, my favorite guitar player. The "bouncing guitar" effect is simply amazing, and even my 15 year old sister recognizes when the late great is on the radio. (Los Loney Boys does a great tribute to that sound on the 3rd track on their album, which impressed me a lot.)
Have a great weekend, CMac! There will surely be stories from my weekend in Biloxi, as there may be a run-in with CB!

afromabq said...

I'm a big Carlos Santana fan. He puts me in that place that leaves me feeling nostalgic and a bit naughty. Happy Friday Charlie!

Heather said...

Definitely one of my favorite songs. My mom used to play Stevie over and over and over again and I still remember all the words...

Sadly, we lost him, but there are many talented musicians that learned a lot from him. John Mayer is starting to sound like him now with the John Mayer Trio.

Happy Friday, Charlie! Hope you have a great weekend!

Peanutt said...

All of those guitarists are awesome! Its hard to pick just one!

As for your neighbors circular driveway, all I can say is...."Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament"
(European vacation)
Have a great weekend!

ThursdayNext said...

We need to add Duane Allman to the list. ;)
~ Tiny Amester

Debi said...

Love your entire list!!! :)

Happy Friday hon!

Jillian said...

Have a super weekend Charlie!

Panthergirl said...

I agree with all of your choices, but I would also add Brian Setzer. Fabulous guitarist.

My favorite non-rock guitarist would have to be Leo Kottke... just amazing.