Friday, January 13, 2006

"The Beach" One Year Later

One year ago today, "Bored at the Beach" was born. It's almost fitting that the first anniversary of this site would fall on Friday, the 13th. On the surface, it does not even feel close to a year old. It seems like this blog was just started a few months ago. But, when I take a step back and think of all that has happened in my life since January 13th, seems like an eternity. 590 postings and 110,000 hits later....I'm still here!

Billy Joel wrote, "Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes" and how true that is. In the course of a year many people come into our lives, while our time with others ends. In the course of a year things happen that change us, sometimes ever so slightly, but enough for us to feel or see things a bit differently. Sometimes the events of a year can change us completely. Along the way, within those 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes, or 31,536,000 seconds, we laugh until it hurts and cry until we can't cry anymore. We spend time looking ahead and time reflecting on what's behind us. No matter what happens to us within a year, it's what we make of it. We can choose to be happy and optimistic or we can be sad, angry, and pessimistic. That old "cliche" just may be accurate..."Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it."

A year ago, this blog was not known to anyone but a few co-workers. A year later, so many of you make your way over here each day to see what's going on in the world of C-Mac...and I am grateful. I know I haven't been on many of your blogs much the last few months due to circumstances beyond my control, and I miss reading what you all have going on in your lives. I promise I'll be back. The fact that you all still come here despite me not having a lot of time to reciprocate really is amazing. I've really learned a great deal more from this blogging than I ever thought I would.

I started "Bored at the Beach" just to post random thoughts, be a clown, get sarcastic, get sentimental at times, and just as an outlet for my daily encounters. All of your comments have really enabled me to see life and the world from so many different perspectives. Some of you speak words of wisdom, some of you crack me up, many of you share your experiences, while others are critical of me. I love it all. It's been a really fun year here. For all of this, I say "THANK YOU!!!!!"

I hope this site has given something back to all of you that come here daily. I will try to make "season 2" at The Beach a place worthwhile to visit. So to all of you, the people that I know personally that I don't see anymore, the friends that read "the beach" that I see regularly, the "blog" buddies I know in blogland only, an the people that pass's been a fun year an thanks for all the good times here!

As usual, here is my Friday video. I know it's kind of a "chick" song...but the words are fitting.....and besides...most of my readers are I am sure you'll enjoy it! Have a great weekend and thanks for a great year of blogging!

Thank You
By Dido


Unknown said...

You love the Canoli!!!!!!!!

Heather said...

Sugar V has been carrying on about the canoli the entire time, hasn't he? I'm starting to think he's the one that's obsessed... ;)

I'm glad to have found you Charlie! It has been a blast reading everything you have to say--even though I luuuuuuuuuuuv G Dub.

I look forward to another year at the Beach.

ThursdayNext said...

Happy Birthday to your Blog! I wish you nothing but happiness for the next 365 days at the beach. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

well thank you charlie for making me laugh every day.

Darcey said...

Glad to have been a part of this past year (or at least since April) of your blog. I feel lucky to have been able to read and share with you, CMac!

Unknown said...

Heather you have to see his place. Hes got Canoli's and lighthouses everywhere. He's the rainman of Canoli's and lighthouses.

Debi said...

Charlie, You were one of my fave blogs when I jumped on the Blogwagon last summer. Even when I took a break from writing, I never took a break from your blog. There were days when your humor would get me out of a bad mood, and make good moods better. I can't wait to go through Season 2 with ya! Much luv!

afromabq said...

You have no idea how much I've enjoyed coming to the beach on a daily basis. I usually log in every morning to see what you have to say and to laugh out loud in my cubical. Many times I've had to explain why the sudden outburst w/a lie about reading some crazy joke, when in reality I've just read some crazy post by you. I don't let me co-workers know I blog or that I read blogs since I am "at work." Anyway, as long as your blogging, I'm stolling by. Thank you Charlie, and happy b-day to BatB.

p.s. I love Dido and this song.

afromabq said...

Geez - did I have enough typos in my comments - sorry. Should have been "my co-workers," "you're blogging," and "strolling by."

Lynn said...

What would life be without other's making it interesting? :) Keep Bloggin'!

Marie said...

Congrats on the 1-year mark! I've very much enjoyed your blog, the variety in your posts and you sharing so much of yourself. You are an amazing person and wonderful soul. I look forward to many more adventures on the Beach. :) *hugs*

supplymadam said...

I'm baaaack! Good video. It's been a great time here at the beach. May you keep posting to Jan.07 and beyond.
How's the new job?

Jillian said...

Congrats!!! I hit 1 year also!!