Thursday, January 12, 2006

Carpool Lane Schemes

I am sure all of us has been tempted to drive in the carpool lane when we are alone in our vehicle and traffic is standing still. The lure of the carpool lane.....

People will try anything for a quick commute.... Posted by Picasa

There are people that will try anything to shorten their commute. For instance, the Sugar V never has to worry about the carpool lane because he has his trusty blow up doll with him at all times. He breezes down the carpool lane in the weinermobile with his "companion" Jimmy Dean, the male blow up doll. Here is a quick glimpse of Jimmy:

Sugar V's "Buddy" Posted by Picasa

Anyway, people really have been caught with mannequins and blow up dolls in their vehicles posing as passengers so that they can drive in the carpool lane. There was even an episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" where Larry david picks up a prostitute so he could cruise to Doger Stadium in the carpool laneto avoid having to sit in a traffic jam. But the story I read yesterday takes the cake. A woman in Phoenix, Arizona got caught in the carpool lane driving alone. She was given a ticket and when she appeared in court, she insisted her unborn child counts as a passenger and therefore she should not have to pay the $367 fine. The judge ruled against her, citing "common sense." I suppose if he agreed with her, all highway patrol officers would have to carry EPT disposable pregnancy tests and administer them before they write a ticket out. People are fuckin' ridiculous!!!!!!!!! It's like bitch, you got caught, just pay the fine. She must have been an ugly bitch anyway, because if she was hot, the cop wouldn't have written her the ticket in the first place.......

Have a great Thursday!!!!


Vixen said...

I am totally guilty of driving in the carpool lane. I do it frequently actually. I think it's BS to have such a lane. Why don't they call it the Leadfoot lane or I am so fing late for work get the hell out of my way lane. And does anyone actually carpool just so they can use this lane? I think not.

Good luck on getting those new policies into affect at your new job next week...give 'em hell!

Jenni said...

Jimmy Dean is HOT...and I would totally have him ride shotgun with me as I hauled ass in the carpool lane...but I'm too much of a wuss.

afromabq said...

I used to drive the HOV lane in Virginia and knew right where to get off because the cops would be waiting at the same spot all the time. I agree w/Vixen - that lane is a crock and should be used for us lead footers only. Of course we don't have a need for this type of lane in ABQ. The only bad traffic is orange barrel tie-ups.

The Diva ♥ said...

i like these kinds of stories we dont have car pool lanes here and i can see why every idot here would try this. well good luck next week! happy hnt ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh Charlie I feel for you in your new position. its a struggle. Especially if the undertone is negativity or resentment.
I will send you good thoughts and positve vibes over this full moon weekend.

Heather said...

Uh-oh... New job not going so well...?

I hope that things get better!

Darcey said...

I would hug you to make it all better, but I'm keeping a 10-foot radius of distance right now. I have the flu. And oddly enough, the only thing I've been able to eat today is apples and cinnamon biscotti with chocolate. *sigh*
But I hope it gets better for you, sweetie.

Marie said...

I have a love-hate thing going on with the carpool lane. That pregnant woman trying to get out of her ticket is ridiculous. I'm glad the judge threw that one out.

Sounds like you have some uphill battles at work. Good luck with those. Go kick some ass. ;)