Monday, February 13, 2006


I hate the word rubbernecking. The only thing worse than the word "rubbernecking" is the act of rubbernecking. I've been driving since I was 17 and I've come to realize that people will slow down to look at just about anything.

Keep on moving fucko!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Hypocrite! Posted by Picasa

With the huge snowfall here over the last couple of days, there are sure to be some car accidents and fender benders over the next few days. I never understood why people slow down and gawk at car accidents. What are they hoping or expecting to see? Someone on fire? A head laying on the median? A corpse? What is it that the average commuter hopes to see? Let's say that head actually IS laying in the road.....and you see what? You have a good dinnertime story later on that night? A good water cooler story at the office? I just don't get it.

The head may be something out of the ordinary to see, and I can somewhat understand someone slowing to take a peek, how often do you get to see a head on a highway? But what pisses me off more than anything is when you are stuck in traffic for like an hour and you FINALLY get up to what's causing the slowdown and it is some dude broken down on the side of the road looking under his hood. What the fuck???????? People acctually slow down to see some clueless asshole looking under his hood? One morning, some dude was broken down and parked over on the side of the parkway. He was in a suit, apparently on his way to work when he broke down. What was he doing? He was doing what 90% of people who break down on the road do, staring under the hood. What the fuck is that going to do??? Unless you know how to fix a car, why even bother? If it's something minor, and you are somewhat bright, perhaps you can do a quick fix to get yourself to a local service station. If it's something major why fuck with things under that hood???? You aren't going to fix your transmission with a plastic spork from last week's Taco Bell run. Just call someone!!!!! I like just watching the look on these people's faces who think they are going to fix their electrical system with a 7-11 coffee stirrer and a Big Gulp lid.

About six years ago, I came home from work, dinner in hand, and discovered that a jogger had collapsed in front of my house. All the neighbors were outside watching the EMS crew performing CPR on the man. I saw that the medics were there and that my meal was getting cold, so I headed in to eat my dinner. The next day I ran into my neighbor and he asked me why I did not come over to see what was going on. I responded by asking him what value was I going to bring to the situation? EMS was working on the guy, what was I going to do? Had I come home and discovered the guy in the road with nobody around, sure I would have helped. But since EMS was there and the man was getting care, what was I going to get out of watching with 50 other people besides a cold dinner? If I were the jogger, I would not want an audience watching me......

So the next time you see something on the side of the road, even a head, keep it moving!!! A plane crash, ok, stop and have a look. Earthquake damage, ok, I'll let that slide. A fuckin' volcano erupting, by all means, slow down and snap a picture or two, but a fender bender, get a life!!!!

Have a great start to the week everyone!


ThursdayNext said...

I must admit that I am a rubbernecker, Chaz. The other day I saw a car on fire on the Meadowbrook Pkwy (the guy got out of the car in time) and if it weren't for impatient drivers like you, I could have seen the FD come and hose the fire down. Humph!

cosmopolgirl said...

I completely agree. Traffic is just waiting your turn to take a look.

supplymadam said...

Some things are worth looking at at others are not,I agree. I'M INA HURRY,GET MOVING!
One time I saw a dog standing in the middle of Southern State Pky where it almost ends by Hecksher State Park. I stopped my car in the middle lane,put on my flashers and stopped the traffic,then I shooed the dog off the road.

Anonymous said...

You would have loved giving the jogger CPR...I seen how you give CPR. You always Blow on the wrong end.

R said...

Don't even get me started....this is one of my biggest pet peeves. I live in Buffalo where there is snow 24/7 for 8 months out of the year and every day there is some A-hole in the ditch as if it were their first time driving in the crap. Of course everyone and their brother has to check it out on the way by just to see what is going on. Man people are friggin nosy. I hate the news too. Everyday there are about 50 accident and fire stories. Just to be nosey. They have to broad cast the incident all over WNY just in case you missed the heads rolling during the day!

Hu Flung Pu said...

I hate rubberneckers

Jenni said...

I broke down last Thursday on the side of the road in the middle of a small Minnesota snow storm. To make things better I didn't know where the hell I was as I was on a small two-lane highway on my way to visit a client. I DID NOT get out of my automobile to look under my hood because I would have NO IDEA what to do. Instead, I called my client who called me a tow truck.

Unless my engine was on fire and I could have put it out with a bottle of evian I was staying put.

Because I'm smart.


Fizzgig said...

I'm honestly not a rubbernecker. I complain too much about it to join in on it.

The Diva ♥ said...

i admit i do some necking. i love it. necking is the best :)
btw u can always blow on both of my ends ;)

Darcey said...

I've been guilty of rubbernecking on occasion, but its only when there are flashing lights and glass all over the roadway, and I'm also trying not to hit any debris...
Oy. Maybe that's my karmic retribution from this weekend. (Yeah, check the post for the craziness.)

Christie E. Little said...

Ok..I'll admit, I'm a hypocrite. Your lone Valentine's Day lover is also a rubbernecker, who hates bumper to bumper traffic.

I pose the following question, though. If you don't slow down to look, then how will we know if it's just a fender bender? Hmmmm...sound good, huh? :)