Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Blogger

We all blog and visit blogs daily for a reason. Sometimes we are in search of a laugh, sometimes in search of a good story, sometimes we're just bored at work or on the sofa at home. Whatever the reason, we all seem to gravitate to these blogs daily.

After months of commenting on each other's blogs and having the same people come and comment on our own, we have all become a big blogging community or family. Those who read blogs daily but don't have a blog of their own may not understand, but if you have a blog of your own, you understand. You get to "know" people here and you sort of track their daily and weekly happenings on here.

We all have our own unique style of writing. Each of us has our own unique and different story to tell, that's what makes the blogging world such an interesting place.

We are all "artists" in our own unique way.... Posted by Picasa

Recently, I've seen some of the best bloggers shut down or seriously consider closing shop. It's upsetting. It's hard to describe, but it is like losing a member of the "family." The most common reason people close down their blogs seems to be the feeling that they aren't being creative, or that they have run out of things to say or whatever. I think this is silly. Take it from a blogger that started out with a following of 3 people, peaked out at 50+ comments a day, and now gets about 12 regulars and a dozen or two occasional readers weekly. You have to write for you. Even if the blog is occasionally used as just a place to vent when you have a bad day, a place to pass a long a funny story, make a silly observation, whatever, you have to write for you.

I write because it is an outlet. Sure, the fact that many of you start your morning here is a motivating factor for me each day to come up with something "entertaining" or mildly amusing, but I will write about whatever is on my mind. Some days it is going to be boring, some days sarcastic, some days bitter, some days hysterical, some days just blah. But, it is me, take me or leave me.

I've been complimented on here, praised, encouraged, motivated, and all that good stuff. But, I've also been berated, insulted, criticized, and a host of other negative things, it comes with the territory. If I want the good stuff that comes along with pouring out my thoughts in a public forum, I also have to accept the harshness that comes with it as well. It is like anything else in life.

I suppose my point today is to just be yourself, how you are feeling that day. As you all know, I play devil's advocate on here, I am sarcastic at times, I can come across like a real arrogant asshole at times, but it is what I am thinking or feeling that day at that moment in time. All of our blogs are unique and we love the variety. Everyone listed on my blog links, brings their own style and character to the blog world. I love it and the "melting pot" of ideas and lifestyles.

The only "regret" I have about blogging is having too many people that were or are close to me know about my blog. Although I don't get too personal, I don't like knowing that people I don't particularly like anymore can just come here to see what's going on with me. I feel that I have to censor myself because of some of these people as well. I think I'd be a lot more "open" about things if I had not let certain people know about this blog. But, trust me, I say enough, its not always in your face, but I always get my point across.

For those of you who are thinking about closing shop...DON'T! We love you and your unique style. I won't bust out singing "We are Family" like a cheesy wedding after the drinks are flowing, but in a way, we are family.


Unknown said...

If you dont like these people anymore who cares. Say what you have to say and if these people get upset and dont ever come back here again who cares because you dont like them anymore remember?

Hu Flung Pu said...

Mr. Pu will live on forever.....

Heather said...

Alright already!!! I get the point! ;)

Thank you for being a great source of argumentation for me, Charlie!

And for making me laugh.

afromabq said...

You know you've been an inspiration to me Charlie. I've enjoyed your writing so much that I'd be really sad if you ever quit. And I agree about having people close to me knowing about my blog. Not because my friends don't already know everything about me, but their children don't know everything....I have to be careful w/what I share....about me.

Kristi said...

My mom reads my blog.
so i stay away from and censor all KINDS of stuff I'd like to be addressing. Most frustrating.
But because Of that i started another blog. I get the uglies out there.

Blog On Baby!!

Darcey said...

I hear you on having to censor yourself. There are many topics I would love to rant and rave about, but knowing my audience, I tend to hold back.
I save the ranting and raving for happy hour. :)

ThursdayNext said...

I have begun to really enjoy reading the blogs you link on yours. Being of a teacher mindset, I find it sad if a blogger stops writing - think of all the creativity lost. I also think that all bloggers have a certain "persona", and I think that is a good thing since its part of the creative process. :)
Tiny A.

Kelly said...

I have just recently started reading your blog but I have to agree with you that too many of the people I know know about my blog...and that sucks. I'd love to have it a rant on whatever I want to say blog and not worry about others feelings...ugh for caring what others think :-) Tons of praise for you saying exactly what it is that you think :-) HUGE KODOS!!

I have grown to LOVE your blog as it cracks me up :-) Hopefully you never stop blogging :-)

Christie E. Little said...

I love my blog...I love yours. I especially love all the sarcasm. The laughs...the vents...the happenings.

I love my bloggy friends. Ok I've used love so many times. However, being the touchy feely one that uses xoxo on my posts...it's no surprise. I digress...


Vixen said...

Well Said. My blog has become very misguided and while I was contemplating deletion, I think I will just reformat and write what I want instead of what I feel pressured to do.

Cmac - Keeping the blogging family together one blogger at a time ;)

Liz said...

Its true- if I found some of my favortie blogs gone one morning ( because blog reading is a part of my morning routine)it would screw with my day.
Keep Blogging, we are always reading!

Dawn said...

I have thought about stopping my blog a few times but then I always have something I need to vent about....or just need an honest opinion about. The last year that I have been blogging has been wonderful.....I have regular visitors and I have lost some visitors...not sure why but I know that I really blog as an outlet..don't get me wrong I love comments! ;)

Blogging is a great oulet and I have made some good friends this way.....

Marie said...

Excellent post! I had thought about closing shop for good last fall, but I'm so glad that I didn't. I have my regular blogs that I like to read and I like that I've made a connection with a core group. I feel free to write about whatever I want and I love it. :) As always, I love your blog!