Thursday, February 02, 2006

Groundhogs and the State of C-Mac's Union

Happy Groundhog Day!!!!!

Noooooooooo, not that Groundhog Day! Posted by Picasa

THIS Groundhog Day!

A Simple Strategy..... Posted by Picasa

Kind of a weird "holiday" huh? Did he see his shadow, did he not see his shadow? That is the question each year. The "official" groundhog is in PA, but it seems that all the TV stations have their own version of what the little fucker did or did not see. Simple solution for those of us who hate winter and don't want six more weeks of cold, drop a manhole cover over over that little fucko's hole so even if he DOES see his shadow, he has nowhere to run, spring will be here in a week, problem solved. Damn, I don't see Groundhog Day on my company's list of paid holidays...fuckos.

And now....THE STATE OF C-MAC'S UNION 2006

Ladies and gentleman, children of all ages, the State of C-Mac is strong!!!!

Employment: Although it has been a bit overwhelming and I have a ton to accomplish, I am better off than I was one year ago in the employment department. More money, less drama, balanced out by more work. I'd take right now over a year ago in a flash!

Love/Relationships: 1,000,000 times better than the drama going on last year at this time, enough said.

Economy: C-Mac's economy, although not in full gear, is doing better than it was at this time last year. The new job coupled by the side business has helped jump start my economy for 2006.

Domestic Issues: Still in the same home, with the same pain in my ass (haha) but Bruce has added a great deal of happiness to the home. Definitely an area I will be looking to make some changes in this year.

Physical Well Being- Probably the same weight I was at this time last year. Still have a few extra winter pounds to shed before beach season, not an issue at all. Running season kicks off very soon. Half Marathon in May? It just may happen!

Mental Well Being: A lot more "stress" at work based just on work related issues, but NO drama. Last year at this time drama at work and in my personal life had me on the ropes mentally. Much better now. Most of the people who caused it are long gone...

Demeanor- A bit more irritated 9-5 Monday thru Friday for now, but much happier in my leisure time thanks to a few people, you know who you are!!!

Outlook- MUCH more optimistic about the year ahead than I was last year. When you believe, you make it happen.

What's the state of YOUR Union? Have a great Thursday!


Kristi said...

Holy Carp!

I totally forgot about groundhog day!!

Life is generally good Charlie. Glad it is for you too!

Unknown said...

You forgot Refrigerator: Box O Canoli's

Anonymous said...

well everything sounds great and on the road to even better. good for you charlie.

Anonymous said...

how come all the ground hogs they use are males? they mess it up every year!

afromabq said...

Charlie - you can tell in your writing you're more relaxed. When I first started coming to the beach, you seemed angrier or more irritable. Not in an ugly way towards people, just in general. I can just tell you're in a better place. I just wrote a friend yesterday telling him this.... "i'm doing great actually - nothing different or special, just love my life and where i'm at right now (mentally, spiritually, maybe not physically but that's my own fault)." I turn 46 next week and feel great about it!

Hu Flung Pu said...

My state of the union is just fine. Isabella is almost five months, and she seems to be learning some new trick every day, and the wife still smiles when I walk through the door

supplymadam said...

Love your State of C-Mac's Union Address. Sounds like great state to be in.
My State of the Union is also better than last year's. I am getting off to a healthier start than I ended off last year when I was laid up for a few weeks after surgery. So now I can get back to working out and get ready for summer because I haven't been up to it for a while because I was in discomfort and now that all those "womanly" problems are a thing of the past I can get back to some normalcy.

Vixen said...

Gotta love the braino who thought about using a ground hog to determine the length of winter weather. LOL

Glad to hear about your improved State of the Union. Maybe it will inspire me to get off my ass and make some positive changes...problem is my ass is tired!

ThursdayNext said...

Dear Chaz~
I think that as a union, you are a utopia. ;)
~Tiny A.

Heather said...

Sounds like things are getting better every minute...

Sadly, I'm stuck on poor Kristi's typo right at the top. "Holy Carp!" I keep thinking of this giant, dirt-eating fish with the pope's hat on. It's kinda freaking me out.

Kelly said...

Well at least you and I have the same outlook on Groundhog day :-)

Read my blog...I have a GREAT idea for Groundhog's day...different animals to see if they see their shadows :-) Like how about a zebra...or a lion or something cool like that :-P haha

Thanks for the laughs :-)

Debi said...

YAY! Glad to see this year is looking up for you already! I hope this means we won't lose all the snarky little bitter posts that I have come to love so much?! :)


Liz said...

I liked the State of Your Union! Ok that sounds funny.