Thursday, February 09, 2006

What REALLY Happens on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is the biggest bullshit holiday of the calendar year. It is not a genuine holiday by any means. People are "nice" and do for others because they feel they "have to" rather than because they want to.

Ladies, would you rather get a nice card, flowers, candy, or anything else on a random day throughout the year, or on a day that Hallmark tells us we have to give it to you? A day that "everyone" is doing it kind of takes the real thought out of it, huh? Love should be celebrated all year round, not on a commercialized day in February and not by bringing home $100 roses, shitty candy, and by "going through the motions." Love should be celebrated by daily actions, words, thoughts by two people GENUINELY in love.

Anyway, that's my Valentine's Day rant. Now let's talk about what REALLY happens on Valentine's Day!

Cupid is a fucko........ Posted by Picasa

Forget the Hallmark commercials, here is what REALLY happens on February 14th:

*The battered, black and blued girlfriend will be treated to a hearty meal at the local Sizzler by her loving and caring boyfriend. If dinner goes well and she orders from the kids menu like he told her before entering the restaurant, she'll only get smacked 6 times when they get home rather than the usual 12+.

*The cheating husband who bangs his secretary each night throughout the year, will actually go home "early" that night to spend a romantic evening with his wonderful wife. Awwwww...Valentine's Day just brings out the best in all of us doesn't it?

*The girlfriend who whines and bitches every day of the year, will have her one day (MAYBE) of actually shutting the fuck up and being satisfied.

*The 400lb wife will be 420lbs by February 15th from the man-hole cover sized chocolate heart she will inhale as soon as she gets it. Her ass will go from 3 axe handles wide to a solid 5 axe handles wide.

*The trailer park dude wearing the spaghetti stained wife beater will only ask his "bitch" to get him 4 beers that night, rather than the 8 he usually makes her get him. A well deserved rest for her.

*The desperate housewife will only bang the mailman and the telephone repair man that morning so she can rest up for a nice Valentine's evening with her husband. The milkman, the electrician, the plumber, and the newspaper boy will have to wait until the 15th.

*The LIFETIME (Television for whiney bitches) Network's ratings will soar on Tuesday. Every man hater who is home all pissed off about being single will have the male bashing channel on and will be hating men even more. Lifetime's movie marathon will put the Superbowl's ratings to shame.

*Prostitutes will be working overtime. Every horny/lonely male loser will get his yearly lay on Valentine's Night. Hunt's Point in the Bronx will be a real romantic place come Tuesday Night.

*The Hallmark corporation will be laughing all the way to the bank as we all head out and buy $6 greeting cards with cheesy sayings. Perhaps if Hallmark sold shit like this, I'd buy:

Nothin' says you love her ghetto booty more than this little mofo..... Posted by Picasa


True Love Indeed Posted by Picasa

Don't forget, Valentine's Day is just 5 days away, SUCKERS!

Have a great Thursday!


ThursdayNext said...

I actually can't stand the awful candy hearts on Valentine's Day. The sayings are condescendingly elementary and they taste like disgusting! Cheers to February 15th: Non-Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

you rock charlie! lol.

Kelly said...

Again, another get post with get points!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Where you ever dumped on a Valentine's day???
You sure hate it!!
But... well... I don't like it, too.
It's stupid to have a day that is used like a post-it: "Remember that today you must show your love and buy gifts!".
If we are really in love, you don't need that!!
I like getting gifts but I like it better when I get them at random and I even like it better to be told I'm loved!
And, to me, all that you said also applies to Christmas.
We lost the purpose of the season.
We prefere to ease our minds of the stupid things we do all year by giving away stuff and spending money.
Stay cool.

Darcey said...

I'm not a big fan of the holiday, pecially after last year's Valentine's Day from Hell, something that rates as one of the best story to tell when drunk (others include the jaw-droppers like "when I got injured from a brownie," "when I got struck by lightning," and "when I got injured from the rocket fuel explosion").
However, I am perfectly okay with getting/giving things like a non-mushy card that I saw the other day:
It has a pair of dice on the front. Inside, it reads "Wanna get lucky?"
Simple and perfectly paired with a trip to Victoria's Secret. ;)

supplymadam said...

How about the people that feel the need to wear something red that day? Who the F* cares? I say stay home and make a nice dinner. Save the BS candy and flowers. I want jewelery.

Heather said...

I quit.

I banish Valentine's Day from my heart and from my mind. I will not be subjected to it's evil.

Even if one day there is someone to share it with. It's a shitty reason to be nice to someone...

Vixen said...

I like all Holiday's. Those created by the card companies and those not. However, I agree with all your points here. Treat me nice all year long instead of just 1 day a year that you feel obligated to do so!

Did you see Kanye pimpin' on the Grammy's last night?! LOL

Miss_Vicki said...

I'm not a big holiday person and I hate getting cards, the recipient is just going to go "awwwwww how nice" and throw it away! I like the little things when it comes to gifts - a single flower, something like that. I don't need expensive gifts to make me feel loved, it's in the actions, in everyday things, not in the holiday presents. Great post!

Debi said...

wow...did we both have the same thoughts today or what? LOL

Christie E. Little said...

Ok Ok...I LOVE Valentine's Day!!!!The resident love queen is in the blog. I'm sure if you read my blog at all, you soooo wouldn't be surprised. I did a whole do and don't post.

I love wearing red or pink on the day and the sexy lingerie. LOL. I'm a total moosh queen like that. I even have little red candles and hearts up around the house. LOL. Hershey's kisses??? I love them on V Day.

Romance is fabulous throughout the year, but I love to celebrate the yumminess of the day. Ok...a geek ...maybe, but a lover of the day.

Peanutt said...

I agree with this 100%. I would much rather have all the "little" gestures on days I didn't expect it as opposed to a day when Hallmark tells somebody to do something nice for me.

Jillian said...


Kristi said...

yah i had the cheating boyfriend that tried to make the one day special.
Bought me flowers, the I love You card and candy. Went to the "gym"
I made a nice dinner that he never came home for cause he was out with his 'girlfriend' treating her to a nice dinner in a fancy restuarant.
I found this out after we split. It still makes me feel special

Tiffany said...

I highly enjoyed the cupid graphic!! That's awesome!