Wednesday, February 15, 2006


We all get a little lazy every now and again. Perhaps we lounge around on a Sunday without a care in the world, doing nothing. That's fine, we work hard all week. But when it comes to getting things done, things that NEED to be done, things that our well-being, our safety, our financial security, our families, or our health depend upon, there is a time to get off of our asses and get it done.

Yesterday on the way to work, I witnessed laziness in its purest form. It has been two full days since the snowstorm, yet this asshole was riding in front of me on route 107 in Hicksville........

The definition of LAZY! Posted by Picasa

Not only couldn't he see out his back window, his side windows and his windshield were covered as well. There was a tiny peep hole that he was looking out in order to drive, kind of like the hole on a front door that you look through to see who is ringing the bell. Well, I followed this douche nozzle for about a mile, then I pulled along side of him at a light. I blew my horn to get his attention and motioned for him to roll down the window. Here is how the conversation went:

C-Mac: Are you handicapped?
Man: What?
C-Mac: Are you handicapped, you know, unable to get around without assistance?
Man: No, why?
C-Mac: 'Cause if you were, I'd offer to help you clean your car.
Man: Clean my car?
C-Mac: Yeah, you know, the foot of snow that's covering your hood and windows.
Man: Mind your own business!
C-Mac: It is MY business. You could kill one of us by not being able to see.
Man: I can see fine.
C-Mac: Something tells me you'd see better minus the foot of snow.
Man: I'll get to it later.
C-Mac: Before or after you mame some school kid?
Man: Leave me alone.
C-Mac: Next time, instead of playing with yourself, try playing with a snow brush.

C-Mac drives off.

There was another thing that annoyed me today as well. With Valentine's Day being so commercialized, you would think EVERYONE would know it is ValentiNes Day, not ValentiMes Day. I actually heard two people call it ValentiMe's Day. Where have these people been hiding all of their lives?

It also annoys mewhen people say "old fashion" instead of "old fashioned"...."ice tea" instead of "iced tea"...the "point is mute" instead of the point is "moot".....what sayings do you hate the most that people fuck up?

Have a great Wednesday! I sure am looking forward to tonight....... :)


Kristi said...

do you have PMS?

ThursdayNext said...

the worst is when a student says "aKs" instead of "ask"!

Unknown said...

or lemme ax you a question

Anonymous said...

"the point is mute." i love it. how funny is that? lol.

supplymadam said...

I'm sure no one has heard this before but my friend likes Emeril Lagasi on Food Network and she'll tell me something he made and she says"I saw it on Emerald" I just wanna slap a big "L" on that forehead when she says that.
Maybe the guy with all the snow on his car was in a drunken,coked out stupor all weekend.
I agree with TN on the "aks".
Also my husband's dad use to say terlit instead of toilet and erl instead of oil.And that's not redneck talk that was old world Italian.

Fizzgig said...

My fiance calls an ALBUM an ALBLUM. Every.Freakin.Time! A close second is when someone says "It's an old WISE tale" No, it's an old WIVES tale!!!
I feel better now.

Darcey said...

I think Joey on Friends had the best screw-up:
"The point is moo... y'know, its like a cow's opinion. It's 'moo'."

Happy Wednesday!

kcterrilynn said...

I hate it when people say 'supposebly.' Grrrr! It's a 'd' not a 'b'!!

And I agree with Muse, Joey's 'Moo Point' is hilarious. I admit, I've used it once or twice to get a laugh.

Debi said...

when people say "I seen him walking in the door" OMG no NO It's I SAW Jackass!

Or when people say Piture when they mean PiCture the word has a freakin c in it...say it with me...PICTURE! no wrong...start over...

Anne said...

Oh my DH is the king of this! (i.e) FUIT instead of FRUIT...
I can't even stand when he writes me a card, spelling is even worst!

afromabq said...

Sometimes it's what they don't say. Say "thank you" if I hold the door open for you, say "excuse me" if you walk in front of me while I'm looking at something in the aisle in the store. How about some common courtesy!