Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What Is Love?

First, a "Valentine's Day" cartoon, C-Mac style.

True Love Indeed....... Posted by Picasa

Based on my daily conversations and interactions with people from all walks of life, I really feel strongly that the one area in most people's lives that causes stress and takes up most of their time and energy is one of the following:

1) Trying to get someone to be with you/love you
2) Trying to maintain a relationship/keep someone interested
3) Finding the "right" person for you
4) Trying to "change" someone
5) Stressing out/hoping someone will leave someone else for you


Even if you have found your "soul mate," one person cannot be the sole source of your satisfaction. That's too big a burden, and impossible besides. Your partner is a human being. You'll need multiple sources - God, friends, family, a strong sense of life purpose, healthy self esteem, and a willingness to take responsibility for your own happiness.

OK, out there, hands up if you've ever tried this one. Did it work? Both men and women fall prey to this delusional temptation. There is only one person you can change. Guess who it is? There's a famous quote, "Be not angry that you cannot make another as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be."

Though love is ultra-powerful in its pure and spiritual form, the feelings we call love can be ultra-fragile in the face of major differences in values, backgrounds, behavioral styles, and personal habits. Face those differences and their practical implications head on before making a commitment.

I hinted at this one a moment ago. Yes, real love contains feelings, but those butterfly-in-the-stomach, heart-throbbing feelings come and go. Love is a verb. It's about doing - even in those temporary times when you inconveniently don't have wonderful feelings to stimulate the positive action.

There's an additional hidden assumption here: If it's real love, you won't have to work at it. Even the best relationships have potholes, tragedies, and disappointments. As Shakespeare said, "the course of true love never did run
smooth". Truth is, a marriage certificate is really a work permit. Sometimes the most important thoughts we have are those that contradict our emotions. In every stage of a relationship, especially in the early stages, love can be blind.

Get real in your expectations, and you can save yourself from many unnecessary disappointments.

Love means different things to different people. For me, it is not about the "butterflies" or the "mystery" of someone new. It is really about getting to know someone and connecting on a higher level. It is about really understanding someone, really "getting" them. It is not about the early stages and someone letting you see what they want you to see, it is about finding out all their quirks and habits and caring about them even more. It's about sharing, the sharing of knowledge, experiences, activities, cultures, and tons of other things. It is about bringing out the best in each other, encouragement, inspiration, and motivation. But you truly have to love yourself before you can love someone else. That I believe.

As you all know, I am not a fan of this day. Love should be celebrated every day if you are truly with the person you love. But in the "spirit" of the day, I will leave you with one of my favorite "love" songs. I've always said that one of the saddest things in life is when two people love each other and can't be together. This song really showcases this. No matter where I am when I hear this song, I get choked up. So, each day, including a "Hallmark holiday", cherish the times you have with the person you love and never take them for granted..........

Get Here
By Oleta Adams

Have a great Tuesday!


WordWhiz said...

Well said! Happy Valentine's Day!

cosmopolgirl said...

That was really beautiful!
Unfortunately I'm not huge on holidays (Valentine or others....i don't mind thanksgiving). So......

afromabq said...

Number 1 is your best observation. I love how you worded it. Very powerful. Happy V-day.

Anonymous said...

wonderful post charlie. "love is a verb." i love that and it's so true.

Unknown said...

I do not think what you described as the early stages of love is love. It is something else but it is not love. Butterflies in the stomach to me equate to being nervous, not being in love or nervous in love or whatever. Love is a word thrown around to generously and is a word that is used incorrectly to describe other emotions that are not love.

ThursdayNext said...

"No Valentines" by Elton John is a great Non-V-Day song. Maybe what Sugar V means is infatuation? I think all relationships begin with infatuation, too.

Darcey said...

You always know what to say to keep me on my toes.
Here's to a good day, all around, CMac. ♥

supplymadam said...

Love you lots C-Mac! Happy everyday.

Heather said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Charlie!

Anne said...

Great post! Love to read it as always! Happy Valentine's Day Charlie!!!!

Debi said...

Happy V-Day Charlie! Very well written! Give Bruce a squeeze for me...maybe he can be my valentine?

Kelly said...

Awesome post Charlie -- of coarse I expected nothing less...except I was quite surprised cause no angry thoughts...don't read mine today! haha!!

Everything you said is true...Enjoy your day :-)

Anonymous said...

great words from a great guy! Six years I know you and all I have are great things to say. Love can be tricky, but the girl that finally "gets" you is going to be very lucky! Hope someone will be cuddling C-Mac tonight, or real soon!

kcterrilynn said...

Well said, Charlie. Love is a verb indeed. Well, and 'in deed' too, I suppose. :)

Anonymous said...

great post! R U Single? ;)