Friday, February 10, 2006

Because The Night...........

Belongs to lovers. It is video Friday and I chose one of my all-time favorites. "Because the Night" 'Unplugged' by 10,000 Maniacs puts me in a cheery mood no matter where I am when I hear it. There's something about Natalie Merchant's voice that is so soothing to me. Her voice conjures up so many memories and puts my soul at ease.

This song is amazing in so many ways. Lyrically it just paints a picture.

"Have I doubt, baby, when I'm alone
Love is a ring on the telephone
Love is an angel, disguised as lust
Here in our bed 'til the morning comes"

Throw in the string section, the piano, and Natalie's voice and it is a recipe for something unforgettable. Not many people know that Bruce Springsteen wrote this song. Before 10,000 Maniacs, Patti Smith covered this tune. Bruce is my favorite artist of all time and I've heard him perform this tune hundreds of times live and on cd, but Natalie just gives it something extra.

This "Unplugged" performance took place back in October of 1993 and brings back SO many feelings and memories. I was living alone in my first apartment, going to school, and managing a retail store back then. This song takes me back to those days, when life was so simple and uncomplicated. It used to play over the store music system like every two hours back then because it was so popular. Every time I hear it, it takes me back to that job, my friends, and those times. Enjoy this great tune and the weekend!


Anonymous said...

great song charlie. i love your friday songs.

R said...

Great tune! Every now and then it feels good to dust off that CD and belt out that song!

Vixen said...

Love this song! Thanks for takin' me back :)

Heather said...

Ooo!!! I forgot about that song! Thanks for bringing us back!

You reeeally don't want to know what I was doing in '93...

Probably listening to TLC or something...

ThursdayNext said...

Happy Weekend, Chaz! I love Nats; she is a brunette, really short, and quite talented. :)

cosmopolgirl said...

Great song! Thanks for the Friday melody!

supplymadam said...

Because the blogs belong to "C-Mac"

Christie E. Little said...

Does it age me when I say that I remember when the "Unplugged" stuff was all new on MTV?

I was 22, single, in Tucson dating a few, going finishing up school...oh and loving this song. I love how songs can take me back. Love it.