Thursday, February 23, 2006

What Would YOU Do........

For a Klondike Bar? Remember those commercials? I actually saw one while I was flipping through the channels the other night and it got me thinking.......

What Would YOU Do???? Posted by Picasa

I'd probably just pay the fuckin' 69 cents for one rather than moo like a cow, bark like a dog, or act like a chimp. After all, it is just an ice cream bar.

Ok, say you had not eaten in 6 days, and you were in 97 degree heat in a desert for those 6 days, and you bumped into someone who offered you a frosty, sweet, Klondike Bar...but you HAD to do one of the following acts in order to get it...which would you do? If you don't eat the Klondike, you will die of starvation.

A) The dude that offered you the Klondike is 600lbs and has not showered in 3 weeks and you have to lick his ass for 5 minutes.

B) Stick a foot long piece of cactus in your ass.

c) Rub cooking oil on your genitals and sit in the desert sun for 8 hours.

D) Put a scorpion in your underwear for six hours.

E) Put a dead animal between your ass cheeks and wait for the flying vulchers to come pick it out.

F) Shave any part of your body that has hair, including your head with a rusty old razor found in the desert sand.

Which would you do for a Klondike bar? hahahahaha Have a great Thursday!


Fizzgig said...

Harsh! What happened to barking like a dog? I'm a woman and we have a high threshold for pain. I'd take the rusty razor.

afromabq said...

Definitely the razor! How do you think up this sh*#???

supplymadam said...

Do you sleep nights? I love Jenni's answer. That is very original and resourceful. I'd kick that guy right betwen his big fat thighs and grab that Klondike Bar.

ThursdayNext said...

Why isn't doing you and your Klondike Bar an option? ;)
Tiny A.

marina k said...

well I'd go with option e...but that's cause I am kinky like that........

Peanutt said...

I don't like Klondike bars.

Jillian said...

Nothing is woth any of those options! LOL!!