Tuesday, February 28, 2006

"Crime and NO Punishment"

Before I start today's blog, I just want to say that I hope you are all preparing for National Masturbation Day on Friday! I hope the lube is stocked, the batteries are charged, and the wrists are loose.

Now for today's blog here on the LAST day of February. I expect some quality participation today!!!!! Ok, now this is hypothetical, I don't want all you self-righteous fuckos saying "Oh, I would never commit a crime." Here's the scenario. If you could commit a crime, of any sort, with advanced knowledge that you would NEVER be caught or punished for it, what would you do and why???

Gimme The Loot....... Posted by Picasa

I think most people would choose to rob a bank or something of that nature. A quick financial fix is at the top of many people's lists. Mine would not be something like that. I would commit a crime so significant, that it would have an impact on the masses. Something like "taking out" a world leader that most people hate. A leader that has caused suffering or chaos for many people. I'd take one for the team and not fulfill any selfish urges.

If security was too tight and I could not "take out" that leader, I would go to plan B........Kidnapping Christina Aguilera and making her my sex slave......but then again why waste a quality crime on that, especially when I can get it from someone who is willing, and VERY able. I'll stick to my assassination.

Speaking of crime, what's up with George Michael? You think he'd learn after his arrest a few years ago for exposing his dick to an L.A. police officer in a public bathroom. This time he falls asleep in a car with a shitload of drugs in plain site. At least finish that shit before you fall asleep! Guess it beats spanking your "Monkey" in public.

Ok, in the spirit of spanking "monkeys" along with crime and drugs. Here is George Michael's "Monkey" to get you through your Tuesday. I expect some good crime scenarios from all of you! I can see Sugar V dancing already. He looooooooves George Michael and his monkey.

By George Michael


ThursdayNext said...

I would kill Christina Aguilera.

Hu Flung Pu said...

I've always wanted to blow up the eifel tower

Darcey said...

I'll admit it - I'd go for the money. But I'd pull it off all suave and big-money style, a la Ocean's 11. Because who wouldn't want to say funny things like "Ted Nugent called, he wants his shirt back" and "I'll drop you like 4th period French."
Happy (Fat) Tuesday, CMac!

afromabq said...

Definitely go for the gold, like in Italian Job - I'd want Mark W. to plan it and have Jason S. be my mini coop driver. :)

Fizzgig said...

I like that world leader idea. For me...I'll have to take out my future husband, Edwin McCain's,current wife, so he can be free to marry me like he really wants to do.
I've been patient long enough. He can't divorce her cus, she'll never let go that easy, it IS Edwin after all! And, I don't want him to get a bad wrap like most wife killers tend to do. It would ruin his future, and he'd lose his fan base, and then, his money. But, when I pull off my master plan, I'd have money, AND a hot husband, who can sing me lullabyes, and make me laugh, and father the children I never want to have, unless they are his. I can also become an ordained minister online, and marry us myself, in case there are any second thoughts on his part!
Money, and love. The perfect crime.

supplymadam said...

Another Edward Norton movie "Primal Fear". Killing someone and then fooling everyone that you are are schitzo and getting away with it. He usually screws himself like the Italian Job,great movie and the Score another good one.

Jenni said...

I'm a selfish prick...gimme the cash.

Heather said...


I believe that I would rob a bank or a casino (Musey Girl style)... and then kidnap someone I've had my eyes on...

Steph said...

Chaaaaaaaaaaaalie! So Friday is mastrubation day?! I thought that was every day. Humph.

Steph said...

Chaaaaaaaaaaaalie! So Friday is mastrubation day?! I thought that was every day. Humph.

Bridget Unnel said...

I return to the old neighborhood and am greeted with masturbation meanderings. I see that you still have your mind in the gutter! LOL

Unknown said...

I'd rob a salamaria but not for money.