I've noticed many shows on TV featuring a good looking chick who can communicate with dead people. "The Ghost Whisperer" and "Medium" are just a couple of them.

Seeing ghosts, what a cock block

No matter how hot the woman may be, I am not sure I'd enjoy her having a sixth sense. All I need is to be cock blocked by John Wilkes Booth's ghost when I am ready to bang. My grandmother's spirit trying to contact my girlfriend during sex isn't my idea of a threesome. Everytime I was horny, which is always, the mood would be killed by a ghost. I want to date a girl with a "real" sixth sense, someone who knows when to be quiet during the game. (haha)
I have also noticed these messages on the bottom of the TV screen during a show reminding us what we are watching. Are we that stupid? "You are watching 'LOST' on ABC." No shit asshole, I know I am watching 'LOST' because I am bored to tears!!!
First "Sex and the City" was the big craze for women, now it is "Desperate Housewives." Please don't talk to me about "Desperate Housewives." If I had the slightest interest in other people's sex lives, I'd be a Republican.
Have a great day everyone!
I'm so out of touch!! I hardly ever watch TV!! I don't know squat about any of the shows you mentioned!
I agree with Word. Seriously how desperate can a Housewive be? They should try being a fulltime working single mom, and see how they like that!!
I've never heard the term "cock blocked." hahahahaha Is that something you made up or am I just old?
How do you know a TV show is going to suck...just check to see if Jennifer Love Hewitt is in it.
There's just something about her that makes my skin crawl.
I won't get you started on DH, but seriously...I swear I know women that match all of those on the show, ok minus the murders. LOL
When Jennifer Love Hewit was on Party of Five.......I luved her :)
Hey man, LOST doesn't suck!!! :op
This post was hil-fukkin-arious, I don't even know where to start, great job!! :)
ROFL. You are so right Charlie. I hate when they advertise other shows on the bottom of the screen. Let me watch the damn program in peace without something flashing across the bottom. And Lost sucks this season. Desperate Housewives blows. I'm over them both.
That comment about girls being quiet during the game was slightly offensive, but I'm not dating you so I'll overlook it! :P
Yeah the bottom thirds are totally annoying. And I HATE J. Love!! Seriously, how can anyone like that apparently constantly constipated bimbo?
But I'll have to disagree on Lost. The second season is ten times better than the first, are you f*%* kidding?!! Have you even been watching it?! We're finally getting somewhere!! And the back half of the plane, all militant... awesome!! :) And I love the expansion of the backstories... it's all seeming to imply that everyone's lives are better on the island... they're all getting a second chance (like the way Jin used to be ashamed to be a fisherman, but now that's his main survival skill). How can you be bored?!! Just because there aren't monsters attacking them every second... that was all fluff action anyway.
Hey there! I'd say "stop picking on LOST", but that last episode was a bit of a snoozer....
I HATE the Housewives, and wish raging yeast infections and brittle nails on all of them.
Love Sex and the City and I like Desperate housewives.
But if I want to know about a presidents sex life I would be a democrat,. So that's my last dig for awhile.
Desperate Housewives was invented by GayBoyz to turn women into men.
Haha... too true.
DH sucks. How anyone can watch network shows after being totally spoiled by HBO is beyond me. At least Sex and the City had really dirty talk and naked boys. ;)
ghost whisperer is okay. i thought it was going to be much better than it is. I cant stand deperate housewifes and sex in the city. give me a good basketball game.
been lurking a while! Those tag lines are for people like me, who have killed too many brain cells, because I actually DO say 'wtf am I watching anyways' quite often! LOL!
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