I had Thanksgiving at my house this year. I love cooking and having friends/family over. In my daily cooking, I rarely follow a recipe, but with dishes/meals that are for special occasions, I follow recipes that we have made for years, which got me thinking....why are people so protective over their recipes? People get pissed if you ask them for a recipe that has "been in their family" for years. Like seriously, what are you going to do with that recipe? It's not like you are asking Colonel Sanders for his KFC recipe. What are you going to do with Auny Mary's stuffing recipe? Sell it for millions?


Then there are the people who say grace before a meal. They thank God for the food, make the sign of the cross and go through a big speech. That's all fine with me, but why don't people go through all this hoopla for a snack? Why is it only done before meals? I have never seen anyone make the sign of the cross or say grace before they open a bag of potato chips or a box of cookies. Are they less thankful for a snack? Just curious.
Well, I had a few big interviews in the last couple of weeks. I had the interview with the record label on Tuesday, I was not sure how I did, since THEY did most of the talking. When I left the offices in Rockefeller Center on Tuesday I really did not know what they thought of me. Wednesday morning I got this email from the recruiter who set up the interview:
I just spoke with Nancy - they REALLY liked you.
You are their favorite so far.
They are seeing a few more candidates and hopefully will have a decision soon.
Enjoy the holiday!
Samantha ________
Vice President, Advertising Recruitment
How great is that? But it gets better. I had interviewed with a computer company back in September. I had a great interview but never heard back from them. I was puzzled. On my way home from NYC on Tuesday, I got a call from them asking me to stop in on Wednesday Morning. I went there on Wednesday and was told they want to hire me. My days in the "forest" are numbered! :)
In addition to those two, I am anticipating hearing back from another two companies this week. It's nice being able to choose where you want to go and to be sought after. So, this week I will have some big choices to make and hopefully this will be an early start to a great 2006.
Have a great start to the week everyone!
Glad to hear you hosted an enjoyable Thanksgiving dinner! I also wonder what is so "secret" about peoples recipes. If someone likes something I cook, I'll give you the recipe as long as you agree to give me all the credit! ;)
And Congrats on the potential employment opportunities! I'm sure you'll find a job your a good fit for! And here is to a great 2006!
So much exciting news for you!
How are you going to be able to choose?
I mean do you follow your heart, head, Most chance for movement up. Or wherever the most money is??
HOw Charlie? How?
That is awesome, Charlie!! Congrats on the interviews going so well and having these great options in front of you.
By the way, I believe in sharing so if you want to look thru my recipe book that is fine with me. :)
Good things come to good people.......congrats
Lots of luck to you Charlie. You deserve a great job!
Congrats Charlie! That's awesome. Can't wait to hear what you decided.
Good luck, Charlie.
Good things on the horizon for you, Babe!!! I know it's going to be great!
Congrats, deary!!
Those are awesome prospects to take with you into the New Year. Maybe some of your good fortune will travel down here to rub on me a bit. :)
That's great Charlie! Good luck & glad you had a happy turkey day!
:* Princess
AWESOME! On my last job change I narrowed it down to two employers and had a nice time negotiating my salary. As a matter of fact, I have never been on an interview where I hadn't been offered the job...maybe I should be a professional interviewer...or write a book. Hmmmm....
Anyway, Congrats!
That's such a fantastic position to be in. Congrats!!
That is most excellent, Charlie! Congrats.
That is so awesome! Anyone would be fortunate to have you. I never had any doubts for you because you are just greeaaaat! Good luck in whatever you choose!
I'm sure your Thanksgiving was full of great dishes,because when you do it up,you do it up.
I am so happy things are looking good for you.
Congrats!!! Seems like good job news is spreading around the blogosphere. I just posted about mine. Hope you end up with exactly the job you want!
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