Anyway, what's the deal with "walls of fame" in restaurants and pizza places? You know what I am talking about, the autographed pictures of celebrities that have eaten at that particular establishment. Who gives a shit that Ralph Macchio had a slice of pizza there in 1984 after he filmed the 'Karate Kid?' I certainly don't, it's not going to make me order an extra slice.

Is Ralph Working Today????

Most of the 'celebrities' on those walls are has-beens and many of them may in fact be cooking in the back or washing dishes. It's been so long since many of the people in those pictures have had a hit song or a hit movie. These pictures just don't impress me all that much. A 25 year old signed picture of Pat Benatar hanging in a deli doesn't get me excited.
Has anyone bought batteries lately? Can they make the plastic any thicker and the pack any harder to open? What's going to happen to the batteries that they need such protective wrapping? Then you have delicate light bulbs that are wrapped in cardboard as thin as deli ham, with openings on each side. Makes no sense to me at all.
The NYC Marathon was held yesterday. I look forward to watching it every year. It's a day that brings the city together and there are so many personal stories from the runners that make the day so special. I saw stories yesterday of people with terminal cancer running the race, people who have overcome so many obstacles, I even saw a runner stop at the 18 mile marker, drop to his knee and propose marriage to his girlfriend. It was a great day. As most of you know, I am a runner. I plan on running in the NYC marathon, if I decide to stay in NY, in the next 3-5 years. It's been something I have thought about for the past few years. The most I have ever run in one shot at this point is 12 miles which isn't even half of a marathon and it amazes me to see so many people complete the race. I am sure with the proper training I could finish it without much of a problem in maybe 4.5 hours or so. The winners each year run it in half that time which is just hard to believe. It's amazing to watch. Running is as much a mental sport as it is a physical sport and you really have to get in a "zone" to run long distances like that. For those of you who run, or have run over the years, you know what I mean. Yesterday's marathon was decided by less than a second for the men. 26.2 miles and the race was decided by that slim of a margin, incredible. If you are ever in NYC the first Sunday in November, be sure to check out the race, it's a great experience for the runners as well as for the spectators.
I hope everyone's week starts off on a great note!
You can do it! I have faith in you. All you have to do is think about canoli!!!
We went to our usual diner over the weekend and even they had a wall of fame. There was one photo of an astronaut signed "I dreamed of your Greek salad in space." Bloody liar...
Speaking of running.....I went for a run this weekend, stepped on a rock, twisted my ankle, and fell down in front of my neighbors
I had a psycho roommate in college that ran 22 miles on her 22nd birthday. Then, when it was time for her to go out to dinner, she couldn't move. We had to order her a pizza and feed it to her in the rare moments she would wake up.
Thanks for the giggle this morning, Charlie! Hope you had a good weekend!
That's awsesome. I'm pulling for you. I recentely found out that I have rheumatoid arthritis which has put a damper on my running for the time being. I'm hoping to get back to be able to run in the Lifetime Fitness Triatholon (I'd do the 1/2 triatholon) next's only a 2 and a half mile run which I could have done very easily's just a matter of perservence and time I guess!
Speaking of celebrities and restaurants...there's a Mexican restaurant near my house that has name plates by each table and booth that shows what "famous" people ate there. I like eating at the "Paul Majors" table...know who Paul is? Didn't think so...
I love watching marathons and watching all of the people who run in them. And being on the running side and watching and hearing people cheer you on gives that extra boost of adrenaline just when you feel like you are feeling too much pain or fatigue. You can totally do it, Charlie. :) That's so awesome. I would definitely cheer you on.
I can't run at all - well I can, I just choose not to :op Hurts my shins, I get way too out of breath... and I work out regularly! If you do run, we'll all be rootin for ya!! You plannin on movin or something??
Strange mood Charlie!
:* Princess
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